For You

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"Ah, what a suprise. You need Punz to come and help," You laughed.

Punz put you in a headlock, and his large hands grabbed a gag and put it in your mouth. Dream stood up and brushed himself off, watching Punz in a state of anger. He knew that you didn't deserve this, but it was the only way to get you to listen.

He grabbed both of your arms and threw you into the corner of the spotless white floor in front of Lazar and Vikk's testing tubes. Your legs felt weak like you couldn't move, and your hands were restrained. You couldn't speak.

You understood that they were restraining you so you didn't ruin their plan, but you didn't understand why their plan was even a thing. Punz seemed to be looking at the controls of their killing machine, while Dream walked over to you, as you backed up farther against the wall you were thrown in front of.

He pulled your gag down and put a hand on your shoulder. You just let him keep it there. "Why are you doing this? Everything was perfect," You mumbled.

"I'm doing this for you."

"I'm doing this for us."

You knew that he was also doing it for power over everyone. "How is this all for me?"

"Punz and I are testing out the revive book. This is to make sure you can always be revived and with me. And then we can rule over everyone together, if it comes to that. That would happen if they didn't listen to me," Dream explained.

"I'd sacrifice the world for you."

"Please, don't say it's for me," You pleaded.


"Because that's not what I want. I don't want you to kill anyone."

"It's the only way. I'm sorry, darling."

Punz grabbed a hold of you and you started to scream names, hoping someone would hear you.

"SAPNAP!" That was the first name that came to your mind.



"WILBUR!" You only decided to call for him, since he would do anything for you.

"Shut it," Punz hissed, putting you in a headlock, but this time it only lasted a few seconds at the most. 

"Why did she call for Sapnap?" Dream demanded.

"Y/N, also, where did you go the night you lied about going to Niki's place? I got in contact with her, and she says you were never there."

"Well, I was hanging out with George inside the house, but then Wilbur showed up, and so did Techno, Sapnap, and Karl. We all fought against Wilbur, but he ended up getting me to agree to come with him. He threatened your life along with my other friends," You explained.

"I'm going to kill him," Dream muttered.

"We have to use her..." Punz spoke.

"No way. But she does have to stay with us so she doesn't tell anyone."

"I'm going to tell people, and you're not going to get away with this!" You screamed.

Dream nodded at Punz and pushed you onto the ground in front of the tubes Lazar and Vikk were in again. They put some type of pole on to the ground, and tied you to it with rope, removing the handcuff and covering your mouth with the cloth again.

"They're ready," Punz smiled.

Lazar and Vikk looked at you in horror. You looked at them in sorrow and regret, the cloth covering your screams as Dream pressed a big red button as crying obsidian appeared all around them.

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