Stuck With Sapnap

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"What now? You're just going to lock me up?" 

Sapnap smiled. "Well that depends, are you going to listen?"

"Do I have a choice?" You retorted, rolling your eyes.

"Depends if you like cells," He laughed.

You gave the black-haired man a death stare as he brushed dirt off his shirt with a flame symbol on it. You wished he didn't betray you, because the two of you did get along well for a period of time. It sucked that it had to end up like this just because of Dream and Sapnap's arguements. Dream was changing, at least you think.

XD walked over to the two of you, and the magic rope came off your hands. "I don't really have an extra room right now, so I'll just set up a mattres in my room. We aren't ready for the actual trap yet," Sapnap replied.

You followed Sapnap to his room. It was a decent size, and he had art pieces of fire hanging up. He seemed to have a lot of burning flame related things. A few posters hung up on his wall, and he had an average sized bed. 

After a couple of minutes, Sapnap came back with a mattress and threw it onto his floor. "You'll be sleeping here."

"Sucks that I have to share a room with you."

"Oh do you miss being with your Dreamy?" he taunted.

You clenched your fists, getting in his face. "You better shut up."

"Or what? You'll send Dreamy after me?" Sapnap laughed.

As you raised your fist, XD pulled you back. "Stop now," he ordered.

You shot Sapnap one last dirty glance and he gestured for you to sit down on your mattress. You did so with no words. XD walked out the door with Sapnap and the two of them locked the door. In anger, you stood up, banging on the door. 

"Don't lock me in here!" You raged.

"I can't hear you!" Sapnap yelled, covering his hears.

With a groan, you sat with your back against the door. Great. Now you were stuck in Sapnap's room. You could just snoop around in here too. But maybe it would actually be useful this time, You could find something to escape or a key to his plans and true intentions. Hopefully he wouldn't catch you.

You rummaged through his drawers, and after a long time of finding nothing, you collapsed on Sapnap's bed, sobbing. You missed Dream and you were so worried that Sapnap was going to end up killing him.

And if he died, it would be your fault.

You would lure him into getting killed.

You sniffled as you heard the door open. It was Sapnap.

He rushed over to you. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," You muttered.

"Y/N I-"

"Just shut up. You don't think I'm going to be upset that you're killing the person I love the most in this world and that it will be my fault?"

"Well-" Sapnap started.

"I don't want to hear it, just leave me alone."

You were still sitting on his bed, holding your legs with your hands, your head pressed onto your knees. Sapnap jumped up next to you, and pulled you into an embrace. You knew he didn't actually care.

If he did care, he wouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Sapnap hated Dream for being a manipulator, but what was he doing right now?

"Y/N, I'm sorry. You're going to be ok," He whispered.

You ignored him, letting him hug you.

You hated him for this.

"Forget about Dream, you have me."

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