Trusted or Untrusted?

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After the two of you walked further away from Sapnap's base, Wilbur let go of your hand. You hoped he was taking you in the right direction. Something seemed up, but every part of you wanted to trust him, even after he tried to kill you. 

What if he was lying?

You were praying that he wouldn't kill you on the spot, because you didn't want to die without seeing Dream one last time. But you didn't think he'd actually kill you. Maybe he would, who knows. Wilbur had a innocent and pure looking face currently, but when he wanted to be scary, he could.

Sometimes you couldn't tell the difference between the two states of him.

You were just walking in silence beside him. Pandora's Vault must be far... But you thought that it was near Sapnap's base, but maybe you were mistaken. Why would Wilbur lead you to somewhere else? You knew that he wasn't walking in the direction of his base, so where else would he be taking you?

"Hey Will?" 

He turned to you with a smile on his face. Wilbur seemed to be in a good mood. It was odd, because your last encounter with him wasn't very pleasant. You would feel guility, but he did a lot to you aswell.

"Yeah, love?" 

He really didn't get it, did he?

You may have forgiven him, but that doesn't mena that things are going back to how they were before. This was just Wilbur being Wilbur. He wasn't going to get over it. Ever. And you wouldn't let it bother you.

Both you and him had gone to the Death Realm and back. It was a lot worse for WIlbur though. The time you were stuck for felt like a few days, but Wilbur's time there felt like years and years. He was already getting pressured before his death. You tried to not think about the fact that Dream caused this.

But then again, Wilbur did steal Dream's land.

It's complicated.

"Are sure this is the way to Pandora's Vault?"

Wilbur froze. You could tell he was nervous. "Yeah," he stuttered.

You raised an eyebrow. But instead of walking away from him, you continued to follow him. You were unsure of your location at this point. But it better not be that far from Dream. You needed to see him as soon as possible. 

You were desperate at this point.

Was he ok?

Or had Sapnap already gotten to him?

The land that Wilbur led you through soon brought you into a snow biome. You now knew that he was taking you somewhere different. Or you at least thought. He seemed to be awfully quiet. There was no doubt that Wilbur was being secretive.

"I don't remember Pandora's Vault being in a snow biome," You commented.

He seemed like he was trying to think of a good excuse. Looking into Wilbur's pure brown eyes, you could tell that he was running out of them. As you trudged through the snow waiting for Wilbur's response, you could have sworn you saw a familar cottage in the distance. What on Earth was Wilbur doing?

"We're about to be here, don't worry."

After some more walking, your vision only saw a coat. Wilbur had wrapped his trenchcoat around you, limiting your vision. He picked you up with no hesitation and brought you into a building, a house, or wherever you were.

"What the heck, Wilbur?!" You yelled.

You felt yourself land on the floor as he took the trenchcoat from you, putting it back on himself. You looked around to see Techno's cottage. Wait... Why were you at Techno and Phil's place? In a matter of seconds, Tommy and Techno entered the room. The three brothers stoood in front of you.

"Ah, hello Y/N," Techno smiled.

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