Remembering the True Beginning

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Some backstory :) Sorry if you're not American, just roll with it for Tommy humor purposes.

Many years ago, you walked into Schlatt's room. You wanted to ask him to study a bit, and then play a game outside. You hoped that he would say yes. For the longest time, you had always looked up to your brother. You loved him. You knocked at the door lightly, and there was no response.

You had knocked quietly. Perhaps, he didn't hear you. Your brother was 8 years older than you, and he was having his "alone time" a lot recently. As you cracked the door open slightly so that it didn't make a noise, you started to hear the muffled voices a lot clearer. Their volume was rising. It was dad and Schlatt.

They were screaming at each other. Dad must be hurting Schlatt's feelings, because he was shooting nasty and rude insults at your brother. You couldn't stand it. Schlatt didn't like to cry, especially not in front of people, but he was crying his eyes out.

Even though you were very young and afraid of getting hurt, you stormed into the room to stand up for your brother. "Don't talk to him like that."

Your dad was drunk once again. Not that he's much better when he's not drunk, but the achohol makes it a lot worse. Mom was a different story. Of course, the achohol influenced her, and she could say hurtful things to us. I'd say she's as bad as dad, but I'd say that she's a version of him, but mildly better.

"What did you just say?"

You shivered as his words.

Even with you standing up for Schlatt, it was hopeless. You were being treated poorly, especially by your mom and dad. You just wished they would stop their addiction. They would get better like they were very many years ago...

You missed them.

After months and months of Schlatt being in pure torture, he was practically forced to start drinking. After a while, he just couldn't stop. He was becomign bitter from the treatment he was receiving, and once again, the achohol made it a lot worse.

Now, Schlatt was yelling at you. He was always mad at you. He was becoming the person that you feared he would be turned in to. He even grew his own ram horns, due to the roots being tied to him somehow. It was confusing.

But after many more horrible years, you finally decided that you had enough. Even if they were your only family, you didn't feel safe with them. You had to leave. You had to find a new life somewhere else.

The thunderstorm started raging as you were screamed at. You were insulted by your own family once again, and the storm had left you bad memories. The storm also scarred you when you had to quickly grab all of your belongings and run out of the house in fear.

You had to run through the pouring rain as lighting lit up the darkness of the night, and thunder rattled the ground, giving you shivers. It was terrible, stressful, and you felt helpless as your heat beated fast, as you tried to catch your breath while sobbing as you stopped after walking and running so far.

After even more time of running, you saw a flag in the distance. With a sniffle, you moved a bit closer. You saw a van, and what seemed to look like the start of a town or a nation of some sort. You saw people in the distance. Oh god... You hoped they weren't super defensive. You didn't want to end up in a cell.

They noticed you. As you got ready to run, they shouted for you to stop and that they were friendly. You were greeted by a tall man with curly brown hair and glasses, and he wore a trenchcoat along with a yellow sweater. Another boy there included a slightly shorter and a younger-looking blonde boy.

There was a ginger boy with small fox ears poking out of his head. It was like Schlatt, but with a different animal hybrid. You were already thinking about him, and you had only left him a little while ago...

The other man had sunglasses, and there was another younger boy who's hair was a crossover between blonde and brunette. The taller brunette seemed to notice your tears, and he lightly wiped a few of them of your face with his gentle touch.

"Are you ok?" He whispered, with a British accent.

After all of them began to speak, you realized that they were all British.

"It's a long story. Let's just say I don't have a home anymore," You sighed.

"But I'm sorry to bother you, I'll be on my way-" You started, beginning to walk in the other direction.

The brunette man turned you around to face him, a hand on each shoulder. "We don't have much to offer, but I insist that you stay with us. It's better than nothing, love."

"Are you sure? I'm a complete stranger-"

"I'm Wilbur Soot, the president of this nation. It's a work in progress. What's your name?" He smiled, shaking your hand.

"I'm Y/N," You answered.

Wilbur had called you love. You had never gotten to truly love someone in a way like that before.

"I'm Fundy," the ginger greeted.

"Eret, it's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N,"  the guy with the shades spoke.

"Tubbo," The light brown haired boy smiled. He was shorter than most of them.

"I'm Tommy. TommyInnit to be exact. I'm Wilbur's younger brother, and I have some complaints, woman. First of all, you're a woman. Second of all, you're American. Only British people are aloud here," Tommy scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Childern," Eret muttered. That made you laugh.

"I may not be 18 or over, but I'm not that young," Tommy insisted.

"You're allowed here, Y/N. Tommy is just intresting. That's younger siblings for you," Wilbur laughed.

"I'm actual a younger sibling myself," You replied, returning the laugh.

"Welcome to L'Manberg, Y/N."

You awoke with a jolt. Dream looked over at you. "What's wrong?"

While you were resting, you must have had a flashback to your past. You had fallen asleep on Dream's shoulder. "I just had a bit of a flashback," You answered.

"Nothing major."

That was a lie. That was the beginning of your new life, and it was when you had first met Wilbur, your first love. This was before he went insane. It made you upset, and also angry at yourself for letting it happen to him.

"So you're good?" Dream asked once again.

"Yup..." You responded, unsure about your answer.

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