Tests and Gods

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Dream woke up in the middle of the night with a bad feeling. He decided to look for you. Once he found your room empty, he panicked. You should be asleep this late, why would you be up? Well, if you wanted to be you could, but it wasn't like you.

Dream checked all of the rooms just to find them empty. He was out of breath and sweating nervously. His eyes were watering until he found a note from you in the room across from his. How had he not seen this before? He also saw the window open with rope coming out of it... Why?

You could have just used the door...

He picked up the note in his shaky hands and it read, "I'm going to visit Niki for a bit, I'll be back soon, I love you."

He clenched his fists. "Why would she be visiting Niki in the middle of the night? Why didn't she come and wake me up? Why can't I come? Why ddi she climb out the window with rope?" Dream questioned, mumbling to himself.

Over a week later...

"Where is she?" Dream raged, punching and then kicking his wall.

At this point, he assumed that someone was hurting you. He would get you back, but first he had to speak to Punz about something important. Everything fell into his plan, and Punz was one of the people he was closest with.

When he meets Punz...

"How do we know that it works?" Punz questioned, looking at the revival book.

Both of them were wearing full netherite armor.

"We don't," Dream replied.

"Then it's useless," Punz sighed.

"Not if we can test it," Dream spoke, an evil tint to his tone.

"But that would mean killing someone..."

"If it does work though..." 

"Dream, we can't just go around killing people, someone's going to notice," Punz insisted, his blue eyes widening.

"What about someone old? We can just like say it was an accident or something. Like Phil, I mean he's pretty old," Dream suggested, thinking of how much that would hurt you with a feeling of guilt.

"No, people will notice. He has tons of allies," Punz replied.

"Well I mean, we need someone that no one would ask any questiosn about."

"Well if it works, no one has to die."

"What? They would tell people. Look, if we kill them they have to stay dead, even if it works," Dream ordered.

"Yeah, good luck with that. There's not a single person that would go unnoticed," Punz laughed, hoping that Dream wasn't serious.

"I mean you're right. There's not a single person that would go unnoticed. But, there might actually be two."

Punz raised an eyebrow, his heart beating fast. He knew what Dream was going to say.

"Who-who are y-you thinking?" He stuttered.

"Vikkstar and Lazarbeam, I know you already knew, Punz."

They started to head toward their house.

Meanwhile with Wilbur...

You paced around your locked room in the fully built cave angrily. Wilbur entered the room. "What's wrong, my love?" You jerked around, shooting him a death glance. He stepped closer to you.

"You know what's wrong!"

"Please, tell me," Wilbur smirked.

"I know I made that deal with you, but I want to go back on my word."

"Your friends will die, but go ahead and leave."

"They're long gone from that backyard now."

"What about Dream's home? He's in there."

Your heart sunk. "Darn it."

"Please just let me go outside for a bit, I need fresh air."

"Sure, but I'm coming with you."


The two of you walked outside as the clouds suddenly turned dark. "What's happening?" You asked.

"I have no clue," Wilbur responded, putting an arm in front of you protectively.

There was a boom of thunder and a tall figure stood in front of the two of you. "I had a feeling you missed your weekly visit for a reason that's not your fault," his deep voice spoke, staring at Wilbur like he was going to kill him.


The part with Dream and Punz is from Dream's new lore!

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