Endless Deaths

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The crying obsidian exploded, leaving Lazarbeam and Vikkstar's lifeless bodies on the ground. You saw their blood and screamed, but no one outside of the lab would ever be able to hear you. Dream smiled under his mask in satisfaction, along with Punz. Had they enjoyed the deaths of innocents?

You tried to get words out, but you still couldn't speak, and you wouldn't stop trying to get the cloth untied. You were in a state of panic. Tears were streaming down your face as you watched blood pour from Lazarbeam and Vikkstar's explosion wounds. They were dead, and that was for sure. 

You wanted to yell and insult Dream and Punz. They had killed them. Why did they truly need to test this? It had to be more than just bringing them back once. They were up to something, and you knew it. Why couldn't Dream just bring Ranboo back? You would ask him to bring your brother back if he wasn't such a misguided person.

Dream crouched down to you, wiping a tear from your cheek. "Everything's going to be alright."

The revive book was opened, laying on the table next to the control panel. A blast of magic shot up from the rveive book as Dream did whatever he did to make it work. You couldn't see past Dream and Punz's tall figures.

In the blink of an eye, Lazar and Vikk were standing in their tubes, fully healed.

"What just happened?" Lazarbeam demanded.

"We just died and then came back," Vikkstar gasped.

"Shh," Punz whispered, walking by you as he saw your sobs, a spark of hope filling up inside you, a hope that Lazar and Vikk would be ok.

You weren't worried about yourself, you knew that they would never truly or deeply hurt you. But they would kill Lazar and Vikk again. And who knows if they would be brought back the next time?

After Lazar and Vikk got to breath for a moment, Dream installed End Crystals in their tubes. These crystals would explode at the push of Dream's button. Just as he was about to press it, you managed to get the gag under your chin.

"Stop!" You screamed.

"Don't hurt them!"

Tears started streaming down your face once again. Punz grunted and retied your gag, heading back over toward Dream. They were going to do it, and there was nothing you could do about it. Nothing.

Punz pressed the button this time, and the crystal exploded, leaving Lazar and Vikk dead once again. This process repeated over and over again with diffferent ways to kill them. Dream was testing every possible way to kill Lazar and Vikk, wasn't he?

Some of their deaths included an anvil, slain by an axe, suffocated, etc. Lazar and Vikk were hnadcuffed and brought outside against a wall inside the lab grounds. Punz quickly tied your hands with light rope, in a rush.

They were going to try and shoot Lazar and Vikk with rockets from their crossbows. You couldn't stand to see them be tortured any longer, after seeing a bunch of their deaths in a row. Earlier, you were tightly tied to a pole, but now your wrists were tied with loose rope. You could break free and save them.

As the two men pulled back their crossbow, you started to run in front of Lazarbeam and Vikkstar. As soon as their rockets were released, you acted as a shield for Lazarbeam and Vikkstar.

You fell to the ground, blood oozing everywhere. You were lying in a pool of blood, and you started to loose your grip on life. Your life was blinking before your eyes. "Y/N!" Dream screamed, pain coarsing through his voice.

He sounded like he was going to die himself. He was in his own pain.

He crouched down next to you. "Y/N, stay with me. I love you. Please, I'm sorry," Dream sobbed.


Punz stood in pure shock.


Punz rushed inside the lab.

"Y/N..." Dream croaked, tears streaming down his face, as he quickly threw his mask onto the ground. He knew he would be able to bring you back, but it still hurts. And what if he wasn't? He was testing all of the different ways to also find one way that the revive book doesn't work on. What if this was one of those ways? What if you were dead forever and it was his and Punz's fault?

They had shot the rockets. Your eyes closed shut, and you opened them to see a misty and black void. You could have sworn you saw your brother's ram horns in the very far distance. No, this couldn't be happening...

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