A Stormy Walk

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"Punz?" You questioned.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I'm going to go on a walk, ok?"

"Shouldn't I go with you-"

"I just need some time. I'll try my best to stay safe," You smiled.

"Please be careful. Dream will kill me if something happens to you. I don't really want you dead either," Punz replied.

You smiled and grabbed a wooden sword. You didn't think anything extreme was going to happen, but if one of the vines came you assumed that you could cut them with even a wooden sword. It was a basic self-defense weapon, and you were just going on a walk. Dream would want you to bring something with you.

This is better than nothing.

You closed the door behind you and walked along the trail peacefully. It was a chilly but peaceful morning. It was a perfect mix between cloud and sun. The tall trees provided shade, and you smelt pine and breathed in the fresh air around you. You were glad that you decided to take a walk.

But the calm wind started to pick up, and it started to get extremely windy. You noticed that you were getting far from your home. If it was about to storm, you were in trouble. But why would the weather change so quickly?

The clouds turned from a plain color to a dark black. It only seemed to be the area around you that was being affected by the unknown storm. You started to hear thunder and see lightning as a storm cloud area started to surround you.

As you ran to get away from the storm, you were just pushed back into the circle in the middle of the storm that seemed to be reserved just for you. You breathed heavily, sitting on the ground, confused as ever. "What in the world is going on?" You mumbled.

You knew what was happening as a tall figure emerged from the dark clouds and shrunk down slightly. He appeared in front of you with his glowing XD mask, and his glowing green and gold cloak. He levitated above the ground, staring down at you. XD was back, and he didn't seem to be happy with you.

The same storm formed when he was fighting Wilbur. He was angry then. Even if the mask was covering his face if he had one, you could tell that he wasn't in a joyful mood. You could only assume.

"XD..." You whispered.

"You betrayed my love."

"XD... you saw my complicated realtionships with Dream and Wilbur. And now there's others. I can't be with all of you, I'm sorry," You apologized.

"You did choose. And you chose Dream."

"XD, I'm sorry..."

You didn't want to leave Dream. He was changing, and you already promised him your loyalty. You felt bad for XD, and you wanted to be close with him. But he wasn't going to let the idea of you loving him go.

"You should be. Dream's hurt you so many times. So has Wilbur, Punz, Quackity, and any of these others you speak of. I've never done anything wrong to you. I've never done anything but love and protect you."

"You should love me!" XD raged.

"I'm not just going to end my relationship with Dream. I love you XD, but not like that. I can't."

"I'm sorry," You whispered.

"Sorry is not good enough! I'm a god! I should be the one making the choice, not you!" XD demanded.

"Just because you're a god, you don't get to make my choices for me."

"So, you're going to choose the hard way. You know, if you continued respecting me, maybe it wouldn't have to end like this. I guess I will go along with Sapnap's plan, although I didn't want to," XD grumbled.

"Sapnap's plan-?" You started.

XD teleported the two of you to an unknown room, and you looked down to see some kind of magic rope tied around your wrists. You looked at it in intrest. How did this even work? You could see through it, and it was glowing, almost floating in a way.

You stumbled to the ground as XD stood dangerously close to you.

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