Horrible and Random Ideas

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Most of this chapter is funny, but I figured I should show someone else's POV to make the whole situation more chaotic.

Technoblade was resting peacefully in his home until he heard a knock at the door. He put down his book on the small wooden table next to his seat in front of the fire. He sighed, walking up to the door. He decided to not wear his cape or full outfit tonight, just to be calm and chill. Techno wasn't expecting visitors.

He opened the door to see a familar face. "Sapnap? Why did you come all of this way?" Techno questioned, letting the black-haired man into his house. 

Thinking about why he could be here, he remembered that Sapnap was still close with George, but not at good terms with Dream. He believed Y/N and Sapnap also became close friends even after the whole Dream situation.

"I just remembered something supper funny from like maybe almost over 1 year ago," Sapnap spoke, proudly.

Techno paused and raised an eyebrow. "You're telling me that you walked a super far journey to show me a video from 1 year ago that you find funny," Techno asked.


"I'm not sure what to even say."

"To be completely honest, I also know that you have a fire and good food, so I wanted to visit. Do you have any pets?" He replied with an evil-looking smile.

Techno knew of his history with pets, and let's say it wasn't very good...

He was glad that his pets were in his barn currently.

"Anything else?"

"I brought my fiancé!" Sapnap announced, a silly-looking smile on his face.


Someone else paraded into the cozy house. He wore a colorful hoodie with a swirl in the middle, the letters "KJ" being on the back. Techno stepped back in shock. "Karl Jacobs?"

"Hey! I don't know why you had to use my full name, but yep, that's me! Sapnap and I were just kind of bored and I'm kind of down from an experience I don't want to talk about, and Sapnap is bummed out about his arguement with Dream. So, we figured that we'd come here! I don't really know what terms we're on, but who cares?" Karl giggled.

"I totally forgot that he was your fiancé, Sapnap," Techno sighed.

"Anyways, Sap has old videos of like Dream and Y/N when they were first together. Well sort of together. He has their first kiss and them hugging. You remember that, right? You had to give Sapnap 20 bucks," Karl explained.

"If he walked all this way, then I guess."

Sapnap pulled his phone out and showed Technoblade a video of your and Dream's first kiss. Techno actually ended up laughing. "They look so stupid and awkward. I'll have to tell Y/N when I see her," Techno smiled.

"I'm kind of in the mood to make fun of Dream since he wasn't being very nice last time we saw each other."

"Here's the other picture of them together."

"That's great," Techno laughed.

"I still don't know if it was worth a whole trip here though."

Sapnap seemed like he had an idea. "Have you seen George lately, Karl? He's one of my best friends and I kind of wanted the next part of our little trip to be visiting him."

"I think he mentioned visiting Y/N, and I think she's at Dream's place right now," Karl replied.

"Is Dream aware that George is there?" Techno asked.

"Not that I know of. If George can sneak past Dream, we can! He's probably a heavy sleeper anyways. It's the middle of the night," Karl suggested.

"Good idea. I assume you probably want to see Y/N, Techno. Maybe Dream isn't home or something. Come with us!"

"Dream is probably awake, and this is probably a horrible idea. But I love seeing drama unfold when my TV's broken, so let's go to Dream's!"

Karl and Sapnap shot a glance at the shattered TV.

"I'm sure this is a great idea. But if Dream sees me, I'm dead," Sapnap spoke.

Meanwhile, you had grabbed the sword Dream gifted you to start smashing it. George stomped on it, smashing it into pieces.

"Y/N, he has rope," George said, looking out the window.

"Eh, it's fine. His tracker will go off and he'll be confused. Wait-"

"He's closer than I thought," You stuttered, nervously.

"Maybe we should escape through a different place," George suggested.

You and George rushed to the back window of a spare room, noticing that Dream was asleep. "He's turned into a pretty heavy sleeper," You shrugged, noticing George's concern of him waking up.

You looked at the back window. "Why is there fire?"

"There's men on horses, Y/N," George gasped.

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