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OMG people, I didn't see it until now, put Dream's going to be doing a face reveal "soon" and George is moving in with him! It's on youtube btw. Also, thanks for the support everyone :)

You ran your hand along one of his masks. He had a few different ones, and some of them had small cracks and stains on them. How did he manage to wear these all of the time? When you had the "pleasure" to wear one of them, it wasn't that easy to see around you, especially when you're in battle. 

Moving throughout the room, you noticed his wardrobe, where he must have had almost around 10 different lime green hoodies, and his green cloak. Most of his shirts and hoodies tended to be green except for a few. 

Dream had a wall of mounted weapons on one of his walls. You spotted multiple axes, swords, bows, crossbows, and shields. You realized that this building must be just outside the lab, and it's where Dream spends most of his time.

You expected him to own multiple houses, to be honest. There's his one in the snow biome, the one next to the lab, and the oen where he and the Dream Team lived in during the SMP and L'Manberg war. He does have lots of power...

You heard the water running from Dream's shower, and you knew that you still had time to take a look around his room. He would probably get mad at you for not resting, but you didn't care. Your leg was still hurting, along with your other cuts, but you didn't want to have to lay in bed all day.

He had a desk with a comfortable chair to go along with it. You decided to look at what was on the desk. There was a photo album. You opened it up to see pictures of him, George, and Sapnap. They looked even younger in some of these photos. There were then some pictures of him and Punz.

And then you gasped as you saw pictures of him with Tommy, Wilbur, and some of the others. That must have been before they went to war... The photo had to be taken when Wilbur and Tommy were apart of the Dream SMP and hadn't started L'Manberg yet.

After flipping through some more pages, you started to see... yourself? There were pictures of you... On almost all of the following pages. Creepy. When Dream was "watching" you during the war, you didn't take him seriously...

There was a smaller book full of even more photos. That sort of creeped you out... But most of it seemed to be from the past, so hopefully he wasn't doing it currently. Hopefully... You wished you hadn't seen that.

There was another book on his desk. It must be a diary of some sorts, because you saw dates on every page and and paragraphs about what was going on in his life. After reading through some of the pages, you almost teared up. It hurt you to see how much he was going through and how much he hated himself.

But then, you read the pages about you. There was quite a lot. Dream described you as the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on, and he rambled on and on about how smart, funny, and perfect you were.

You defintely weren't perfect... But you could tell that he really loved you...

You were now wondering if Wilbur and Tommy were even right in taking Dream's land in the first place.

As soon as you realized that the water wasn't running anymore, you closed the book, it still being in your hands when Dream walked out. He wore a loose T-Shirt, and baggy pants. His hair was wet. Dream looked good with wet hair. You really needed to stop, your face was turning red. He looked angry.

Dream rushed over to you. "Y/N? Were you going through my things?" He demanded, putting one of his hands on both of your shoulders.

You quickly put the diary back on his desk. "What? Noooo...." You lied.

You were horrible at lying, and you looked down, avoiding eye contact.

Dream lifted your chin up to face him. "I know you're lying."

You blushed. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself..."

"I'm assuming you saw some things about you..."

"More than some, you simp," You teased.

"You're more of a simp then I am. I saw you blush when I walked out," Dream smirked.

You were really falling for him, weren't you? You were falling in love all over again. You were so blinded by Dream himself, that you had almost forgotten about what he did in the past, and what he was doing now.

"I'm not going to confirm or deny that," You laughed.

"I'm not mad at you for looking around, but I am mad at you for not getting your rest," Dream spoke.

"I don't need to heal anymore."

"I can tell that you're in pain."

"Just a little," You lied.

"Come on, love."

He gently picked you up in his arms, being careful to not hurt your wounds. Dream put you down in his bed, pulling the blanket over you. "Let me know if you need anything, ok? I love you."

"I love you too, Clay"

Dream walked out of the room. 

Meanwhile, Techno was sitting in his cottage, and Tommy was over for a visit. "I've got some word on Y/N, Techno," Tommy announced.

"I have no clue where she's at, but she's safe from Wilbur."

"That's great, but if Dream lays a hand on her-" Techno started.

"Dream may hate me, but I don't think he would hurt Y/N," Tommy smiled.

"And geez, Techno, you're lonely. You need a girlfriend," Tommy laughed.

Techno was silent. "You should honestly just steal Y/N from Dream. I see the way you look at her."

"T-Tommy. She's my best friend. N-nothing more."

"Why are you stuttering?" Tommy smirked.

"I have a stuttering problem...?"

"Trust me, she's just my best friend, and I don't see her as anything more," Techno spoke, confidently.

"Sure..." Tommy replied.

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