Wilbur Gets a Hold of the Book

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You froze, and saw as XD started fading away. "XD!" You yelled, hugging him.

He said no words, and just dissapeared.

"What the heck, Wilbur!" You screamed, starting to attack him, tears streaming down your face.

"I'd be careful, Y/N. I could easily write down anyone's name in this."

"Give me my Death Note back!"


"You're coming with me or else I'll kill them all."

You scoffed and followed Wilbur into the cave. Maybe you should have listened to XD. With the Death Note, he was unstoppable. You had to get it back from him at all costs. Who knows where XD is now. Maybe he would come back since he's a god? Maybe he'd dead forever, or stuck somewhere. You had no clue.

The storm was getting worse and you sighed remembering more from your past. Over a year ago when you and Dream had barely known each other, he had left a scar on your skin, it was his symbol.

He apologized for putting the smiley face on your skin, and you forgave him. But before he "changed", you had remembered what Dream had said to you when you were left outside in the storm.

"It's alright, I have you," Dream had whispered.

He had noticed your fear. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like storms," You had replied.

They bothered you even more when it was pure darkness outside, just like now. Wilbur yawned and started to get ready to go to sleep, locking the Death Note in a high-tech safe next to his bed. 

"Night," You blurted out, running to the entrance of the cave.

You assumed he fell asleep, and started walking outside. Wilbur stood up from his bed and stormed toward you. "What on Earth are you doing, Y/N?" Wilbur demanded, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh, nothing."

"Come inside, now."

As the thunder raged, you shivered and sat next to Wilbur on his bed. He pulled you into an embrace. "It's alright, I have you."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like storms," You sighed.

You froze. Wilbur had said exactly what Dream said to you. It was the same thing over again. You got extreme deja vu. When Dream said it, he was the evil one and Wilbur was the good guy. When Wilbur said it, he was the bad guy and Dream was the one you were on better terms with at the moment.

You had decided to repeat your exact words. "Do you want to know what's worse?"

Wilbur nodded. "Yes, I do. Enlighten me, my love."

"You are manipulating me and keeping me here without my consent."

"It's for your own safety. I'm your fiancé, we'll be happy together."

"You are not my fiancé!" You snapped.

"Whatever you say, darling."

He released you from his tight embrace, and sent you off to your own room. Wilbur was fast asleep now, and you could hear his heavy breathing. You took a deep breath and started walking toward quietly.

What would Wilbur's password be?

You tried a bunch of your guesses, but there was only one other option. You sighed and put in your Birthday. It was right. Wilbur had set his password as your Birthday, and it was kind of sweet.

But that wasn't going to stop you from taking the Death Note. You grabbed the book and started running out of the cave. You had no clue where you were going, but you ran through the misty and dark forest behind the cave.

When you reached a certain point, you heard screaming and the sound of people running. A man with a blue shirt ran into you, a man with some sort of gingerbread outfit on his other side. You blinked and saw two men running after them with weapons. You managed to see a mask. Was that Dream running toward you?

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