Lying to Wilbur

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That night, you stared at the ceiling for hours. You missed Dream, yes, but you had bigger problems. What if Karl was lying to you? This could all be fake. You had no clue what was real. And Wilbur just wouldn't leave you alone. You just wanted to live far away from all of this with Dream, but that would never happen.

Dream's involved in constant conflict. He's against all of these people. He's involved in everything. He had a plan, but you didn't know what was happening next. You had lived in this place for a few years, and your old home wasn't too far from this place. Yes, it's somewhat far, but it's not across the world.

You had managed to walk from it to L'Manberg. But you didn't really want to remember your past in your old home. In the time you were left alone in the silent room, your wish wasn't granted. You started to remember it all. Being around Wilbur reminded you of L'Manberg so much. You hated to admit it, but you missed the nation.

You sat ontop of the walls in L'Manberg. Wilbur had helped you climb up. The sunset was fading away, and the sky was about to be painted in stars and darkness. You liked sitting ontop of the walls with Wilbur during the night, just chatting. Tommy and Tubbo would usually be in their "bedrooms" at this time, although everyone knows that Tommy never goes to bed.

"So, tell me more about you, Y/N," Wilbur grinned.

"Well, some of it might be a bit personal. Promise not to share?"

"Of course."

It had been a few weeks since you moved into L'Manberg. You quickly became close with the others. Wilbur had been the one you had always been closest to. You had told him that you fought with your brother, but you never got specific. He knew you pretty well, but Wilbur wanted to know you better. You never mentioned your brother's name to Wilbur. 

"Well, both of my parents could be quite terrible to me. They were always drunk, and that affected my brother a lot. He became just as bad as them at times. I was treated horribly, and I ended up having to leave, and I had nowhere to go. Well, until I found you guys. Seriously, without you, I'd probably be dead. Thank you, Will," You explained.

"No problem. Why wouldn't I help a sweet and pretty lady like yourself?"

You giggled at his response. Wilbur's hand touched yours as your legs dangled off the top of the wall. You looked up at the stars and the moon and then at Wilbur. He smiled, pulling you in. And after that, you knew that you loved him.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god! Yes, Wilbur!"

Many months after that, you and Wilbur were engaged.

Well, you know how the rest of that story goes. You felt tears drip down your face. What were Wilbur and Karl doing to you? Were you really longing for something that doesn't exist? L'Manberg was gone.

Maybe you missed being peaceful and not fighting. Before the SMP started going to war with L'Manberg, everthing was peaceful. You missed being with Dream and not being involved with all of this connflict.

You remembered what happend after Wilbur died and Dream got locked up.

You were depressed and devastated. Dream was always toxic to you, yet, you still loved him. But he was locked away forever. You were scared to even visit him. You were scared of what he'd say and do. Wilbur was everything to you, and he was dead. Your brother was dead. You felt so alone, despite having other contacts like Niki.

It didn't matter. You didn't matter. You stayed in your small log cabin, making small outings to gather supplies. You wrote in a journal, and you visited Techno and Niki every so often. Techno would tell you that Wilbur would want you to move on, but you didn't listen. You threw away your life for over a whole year.

And that's when Wilbur was revived and Dream came back for you after breaking out of prison.

By the time you were done thinking abou all of this, Wilbur came in your room to wake you up. He handed you your phone. "I suppose you can have this," he sighed.


He didn't know your phone password, so everything should be fine. Hopefully.

"Do you really want to be with me?" Wilbur asked in his British accent.

"Of course," You lied.

For the next few days, you acted like you loved Wilbur. You texted Dream your plan, and Wilbur decided to walk you back to Pandora's Vault where Punz and Purpled were currently staying at. Well, Techno was invited to stay, but Tommy wasn't. So, Techno and Tommy camped in tents outside.

Karl didn't come along, at least for now. Dream would probably kill him. When you arrived, Dream had one job. He had to act like he was friendly with Wilbur, even if he hated Wilbur's guts. When Wilbur wasn't looking, you hugged Dream tightly.

"Remember, this is all fake," You whispered.

"Love, I really hope so," Dream whispered back.

There was a table set up with enough chairs for the seven of you. You all drank out of your glasses, and talked. It was very odd. Did Wilbur know you were up to something? It was supposed to come off as a "formal dinner of peace".

Wilbur held his chest and fell to the ground. You and everyone else gasped.

"Did someone poison him?" Purpled gasped.

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