Chapter 1 - The case

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It was a normal bust day in Chicago. At the police department they were busy as always. In bullpen the intelligence team just got in a new case about some teenagers who were getting sold for sex and drugs.

Voight started pinning the photos of the missing girls on the board

"5 teenage girls went missing from their home last night between 9pm - 3am. Two of them is 14 and the other 3 are between 17-19"

"2 of them were found at 8 am this morning down at the river and got brought to med" Atwater added

"Perfekt. I want Halsted and Upton to and talk with the two girls, see if you can get some information about what exactly happened last night" Voight said

"Do we know who might be behind this?" Burgess asked.

"Not yet but we're going to figure out. Antonio, I want you to go undercover at the home where these girls lived. Get as much information as you can and notify me immediately if something comes up" Voight said giving out everyone their assignment for today's case.

As everyone cleared and agreed with Voight they went out to their respective assignments.

"Do we have a name on some of these girls?" Hailey asked.

"We only have two of them so far, Alex 17 and Ashley 14" Burgess said.

At Med

At Med they were just as busy as everywhere else with most of the treatment rooms in the E.D filled up with emergency patients getting treated.

"Good morning Nat"
"Good morning Will"

They said ad they greeted each other at their computer stations.

"Hey Maggie, was there two young girls brought in this morning? A supposed Alex 17 and Ashley 14" Hailey asked

"We have no one named Alex but we do have an Ashley Parker that was brought in early this morning. She's down in treatment 3" Maggie said handing Jay her files.

"Thanks Maggie" Jay said as they walked down to treatment 3

"Hey Ashley I'm detective Jay Halstead from Chicago police department and this is my partner detective Hailey Upton"

"We want to ask you a few questions about what happened last night if that's okay?" Hailey said sitting on a chair next to her

"Dr. Halstead and Dr. Manning. Ambo pulling up. A teenage found in the river 45 minutes ago. Treatment 5"

"Courtney talk to me whst do we got?" Dr. Manning asked the paramedics as they rolled in the patient

"Alex Halstead, 17. 3 stab wound in her lower abdomen. Broken shoulder and a possible miscarriage. Was intubated at the field."

"Alex?!?" Will said rushing over to the gurney.

"Isn't that your sister?" Natalie asked looking at a worried Will with Jay coming rushing out as soon as he heard them bring her in.

"Okay Dr. Crocket take Dr. Halstead's patient in treatment 3." Maggie said as Alex got brought in to get treated with Jay and Will standing outside looking at their younger sister fighting for her life.

"I'm going back to the district to notify Voight. We need to figure out what happened and if she's part of the 5 girls who went missing. I'll call you later" Jay said as he run out of the E.D

"She's in V-fib we need to get her steady puls and then we're bringing her up to the OR. April call them and let them know we're coming" Dr. Choi said as he started doing chest compression on her.

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