Nice to meet you

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A/N: today I'm going to just do another one of Kailana's P.O.V. instead of Darion's so just a heads up :).

Kailana(P.O.V.) Today is MONDAY, I'm excited, nervous and scared, Just ready to experience the day I only have 2 classes though, Just Literature arts and Journalism class they are both really spread out though my Literature arts class is at 11:00 a.m. and my Journalism class is at 2:00 they're both 2 hour classes though.

I think i looked nice enough for my first day i wore a regular daisy day dress that came 2 in before my knee and tan sandals i had my hair in a fishtail braid and grabbed my side tan leather sachel looking thing which held 2 notebooks, pens and pencils and highlighter and my MACbook pro, and threw my phone in and walked to the living area

"you ready girl" Kennedy asked, she knew i was having a mix of emotions

"I think, I hope so" i said smiling grabbing my key's

"well you'll shine, i know you can do it and the classes only have like 20 students no need to fret" she said laughing, i smilled walking out.

I was walking down the hallway thinking to myself i shouldve brought my sunglasses it's really sunny out.

when i got to the elevateor the door started opening and i seen the damn asshole across the hall I rolled my eyes wanting to wait for the next one but checking my phone it was 10:30 and the building is across campus so i inhaled deep and stepped on pressing floor one.

"Hey Kailana" the boy smirked and leaned against the elevator wall, I said nothing and heard him chuckle.

"Aye can you please not be rude" he said sounding irritate, i looked at him and rolled my eyes turning my head back forward, the the elevator shook an stopped. WHAT THE FUCK

"Fucking fabulous,this is exactly what i needed" i said turning my phone light on, while he did too.

"press the emergancy button" he said, i looked around for it on the panal and he thought it be nice to lean in front of me and slam it.

"please hold, while we find you help the maximum wait will be 30 minutes" the voice thingy said

"Noo oh god no my first class is in 30 minutes" I said leaning back

"Aye me too, what class you got" the boy said, sitting up smiling

"Can you just please not speak to me, i dont want to conversate with you" I said attitude ozzed out of my voice while i spoke

"what the fuck did i do to you why are you so rude" He asked sincerely, it kind of made me feel bad for treating him mean, i barely knew him.

"You just seem like an asshole, you seem cocky and stuck up, you have a big ego and you seem like the player type i just I'm sorry i dont like people like that, can't get along with them" I said honestly

" Well maybe you should get to know somwhere better before acting so fucking hostile" He said

"Uhm language" I said

"Whatever my bad, ohh shun me will you" he said chuckling

"What's your name?" i asked

"This whole time, you've been irritable towards me you didnt know my name" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

i chuckled and shifte my weight to one leg shrugging my shoulders and nodded

"Wowzers, but anyways my name is Derion" He said licking his lips and smiling making me blush, what the hell Kailana get it together.

"Oh that's a nice name" i said smiling small and turning forward

"You didn't answer my question" He said.

"What question?" I asked

"What class you heading too, or was headed to" He asked.

"Oh um Litirature Arts, It's a course recomended for Journalism so yeah" I said awkwardly

"Oh word, me too well I'm not majoring in Journalism but it's for Business and manegment" He said.

"So why do you gotta take Litirature Arts?" i asked

"Becouse if i'm CEO of a company, they have those letters i still gotta write and document thing, i need to know that my look is overall professional and i don't know, it was just one of the recommended courses so i took it" He said laughing

"Oh okay okay" I said, the lights came on making us both smile and the elevator moved, i checked my phone and it said 10:45 so i still have a good 15 minutes to get across campus to the Bishop building

the elevator stopped and opened he backed up and let me off and i walked outside and started my way to B.Building and a car pulled up next to me it was derion.

"Hop in classmate" He said unlocking the doors and smiling, i got in and we made our way to class.

It was actually nice meeting him OFFICIALLY.

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