well then.

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A/N in the mm is the dorm room and britana I got asked what a dorm room looks like so um here ya go

Darion(P.O.V) it was going on 12 and today I go to kailanas dorm to chill Shawn was coming with me but only to hang out with Kennedy I was kinda in a way nervouse I guess cause I knew was going to end up seeing britana which I haven't spoken to her since we got caught up and then i was gonna try to spit game not bad game but good game (if that makes sense) feel me, on kailana. I'm really feeling good vibes from her and lord knows she's beautiful, its just a matter of time.

I looked in the mirror at my attire I had on a last kings sweat shirt and grey Nike sweats and black slippers, I mean since we was chillin I decided to look casual but I think I look to comfy, I feel like I look like "I'm over to chill" but I'm not over to chill like too chill chill but just ta ya know chill.

"Aye Shawn" I said walking in the front of the walking in the dorm he was on the couch texting and looked up.

"Do I look like I'm finnuh go fuck or like I'm chillin?" I asked standing in front of him, he chuckled and looked at me then chuckled again.

"Nigga what?" He said in between laughs making me suck my teeth and roll my eyes.

"Do I look like I'm finnuj fuck, or just chill?" I said more aggrivated.

"You look fine, nigga your forreal tripping about how you look, she must really got you hooked fam" he said raising and eyebrow.

"Well I just don't want her thinking im coming over trynna fuck she already think I'm a player" I said sitting down on thefar end of the couch.

"Um maybe cause you are, boy you a damn thot my nigga you said that yourself" he said laughing.

"Man whatever so I look aight?" I asked again standing up.

"Yes bro let's go" he said getting up, we walked out the door and I closed it behind us while Shawn knocked on the girls door, seconds later britana opened it wearing nothing but a sports bra and boxers making me smirk and chuckle.

"Hey boys" she said smiling.

"Um is kailana and Kennedy here?" Shawn asked looking past her.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed "yeah, come in I'll go get them" she said letting us walk in.

We came in and sat on the couch, and not many seconds later kailana and Kennedy came out of their room.

"Hey" Kennedy said hugging Shawn, I looked over for kailana and seen her smiling shyly walking over.

"Hi derion" she said plopping on the couch next to me.

"Wassup, how ya been?" I managed to get out, whenever I get around her I turn into a dumb ass.

"Um I'm still good like I was yesterday I guess" she said chuckling.

"That's uh, that's good. How'd you sleep?" I asked mentally slapping myself cmon derion get it together I said to myself, she raised and eyebrow and chuckled.

"It was a good sleep I guess" she said chuckling.

"How um how have you classes been?" She asked. Trying to make it not awkward like I was.

"Oh they've been good, i like my financial business class always kind've been a nerd for math and science" I said.

"Oh really that's cool, I lack in those but tried my best through highschool, those subjects caused long nights but it was definitely worth it" she said smiling, making me instantly smile back.

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