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cw// smut

when they got there, jeonghan was impressed "i honestly thought it would be really shitty, but it's just kind of just shitty" he said

jisoo placed his things on the floor and walked over to the bedroom "we still have to share a room but we have separate beds which is actually quite convenient if you think about it, we can fuck and then sleep comfortably" he said

the older chuckled "i guess we should try it out" he smirked slightly making jisoo lick his lips with a tiny smirk "okay but we have to be gentle, it's going to be such a turnoff if i randomly pass out and get a nosebleed" he said

jeonghan giggled "you're so weird" he said and walked over to him before grabbing him from the back of his neck to kiss him

after a few seconds, jisoo broke the kiss with a pant "i want to top" he said

jeonghan raised an eyebrow "we were supposed to be gentle though, will you be okay with topping?" he asked "and are you sure you know how to? you've never topped before"

jisoo shrugged "i don't think it's that hard" he said as he looked at jeonghan "just sit on top of me"

the older scoffed "that's cheating, you're technically topping but i'm still doing all the work" he said "but, for your first time topping it's okay, let's just be quick because it's really tiring to hop that much" he giggled and started taking off his shirt

when they were both fully undressed, he stroked the other's dick a little to use it as lubricant only earning him to lick his lips with a hiss

"you're not that sensitive anymore i see, you're probably getting used to it" he said as he positioned himself to sit on him

he slowly sat on his lap while facing him making them both groan and then bit his bottom lip "fuck, it's been a while since i bottomed" he said without movimg yet to let jisoo get used to the feeling

"oh" jisoo widened his eyes slightly "this feels different"

jeonghan chuckled "yeah, it's different, but it feels good doesn't it?" he asked "i mean, bottoming is good too, i actually don't have a preference" he hummed "okay, let's go"

"w-" before jisoo could say anything, the other started jumping up and down making him tilt his head up in shock

jisoo gasped lightly and then pressed his lips together "fuck" he let out

jeonghan always found it extremely hot whenever jisoo cursed so he smirked and continued hopping trying to hit his prostate

jisoo moaned but felt awkward to just sit there so he decided he could help jeonghan by grabbing his hips as he moved so it was easier and less exhausting for him "you feel so good" he whined feeling amazing

liking the praise and the other's help, the older just smirked and pushed his hair back until after a few hops, bingo, he hit his prostate making him moan loudly

"your prostate?" the other asked

"mmhm" he replied with shaky breath and started going faster trying to hit the spot as much as possible

"then this will probably feel good" jisoo said as he took on of his hands towards the other's dick and started stroking it

"fuck- fuck fuck" jeonghan moaned loudly as he tilted his head up and shut his eyes "you're getting better at this everyday"

the younger just chuckled lightly and kept moving his hand seeing him slightly arching his back, he was staring at jeonghan's face that he could barely see since it was facing the ceiling and bit his bottom lip

he enjoyed that the older moaned so loudly and that the volume incremented each time he hit his prostate

jeonghan did his best to finish quickly as well as jisoo and soon they were both close and panting heavily while moaning "isn't it weird?" jisoo asked with a moan

the older panted "what?" he asked out of breath from all the jumping

"how sometimes we just have sex to like- have sex" the younger said and tilted his head up feeling very close

"wait- i-" jeonghan was going to reply but he was on the edge "fuck" he whispered before moaning loudly and coming but kept jumping so jisoo could finish

a few more jumps were enough for the younger to come too with a groan but jeonghan was too tired to part away so he just sat there panting "oh my god, that was tiring as fuck" he said and leaned his head on jisoo's shoulder and hid his face in the crook of the other's neck "i hate you"

the other chuckled shortly a little out of breath too and shivered at the other's breathing on his neck "oh and about what you said" jeonghan started "yeah, that's literally what being hypersexual is" he said

jisoo furrowed his eyebrows "you really think we're that?" he asked

the older lifted his head to see him "jisoo we literally fuck everyday at least twice and sometimes up to five times, that's not very normal" he said

the other just shrugged "oh" he said unbothered and grabbed his phone to see what time it was

jeonghan rolled his eyes "my legs are literally burning and you're still inside me, are you not going to help me up?" he asked

jisoo turned to look at him and realized "oh, i forgot" he said and grabbed his hips again to pull him up

the other groaned "ow" he said as he sat down beside him but turned to see jisoo and saw he was frozen

"uh, are you okay?" he asked with a weirded out expression

the younger finally reacted with a loud curse "FUCK" he said and turned to the side groaning "you fucking bent my dick you asshole" he said painfully and grabbed his crotch

jeonghan widened his mouth and eyes "oh my god" he said "is it broken?" he asked scaredly

the other was too busy feeling so much pain he was afraid he would pass out "god" he whined "i don't think it's broken but it nearly was" he said

the other suppressed his guilty giggles but just looked at him not knowing what to do "sorry" he pouted playfully

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