after what had happened, just those two sentences were exchanged before they both left the place without saying anything else
but it was the next morning and they had their break so jeonghan as usual, would go bother jisoo
for him, what had happened didn't change anything, it wouldn't even make it awkward, but he didn't know if it would be the same for jisoo
for his surprise, when he got to the table where they usually sat at, the younger acted as he normally did "what do you want" he asked with an annoyed tone
a cocky smirk escaped jeonghan's lips as he was relieved that jisoo wasn't weird about the day before "i like how you're soooo polite around soooo many people but your true colors come to light with me" he teased
jisoo rolled his eyes "they're not my true colors, i just don't like you" he shot back
the older chuckled "okay, sure, i'll act like i believe you" he replied and pushed his hair back
the younger replied nothing and just took his strawberry milk to his mouth and started drinking it without even sparing him a glance which made the other chuckle
"aren't you supposed to be in detention right now?" jeonghan asked while furrowing his eyebrows
jisoo stopped drinking and swallowed before speaking "why do you care?" he asked as he rolled his eyes
the other sighed "oh my fucking god can you just answer a question without being an asshole for once?" then smirked slightly
he swore he saw the younger suppress a tiny smile for a split second before he replied "fine, i didn't get detention, the teacher was too coward to even admit i called him out, so he decided to keep quiet, which actually benefits me"
jeonghan chuckled "well, aren't you a lucky one" he smirked
jisoo made eye contact with him with his unbothered face and shrugged "whatever"
it was clear that there was still a lot of sexual tension but they decided to ignore it if they weren't going to do anything about it, of course jeonghan wanted to, but jisoo just tried not to think about it
they were quiet until mingyu approached them "hey" he told jeonghan with a smirk without even sparing jisoo a glance
the oldest smirked back "hey" he said and licked his lips before leaning in to kiss the other aggressively
jisoo furrowed his eyebrows and looked away with a slightly disgusted expression, occasionally sparing them some glances, he glared at them and tried to hide his disgust, kissing looked gross but for some reason it felt amazing
they suddenly stopped making out and breathed slightly heavier "so? janitor's room or restroom?" mingyu asked while raising his eyebrows
the other pressed his lips togehter and squinted his eyes while thinking "restroom" he smirked as he looked at jisoo
the younger pretended he didn't hear him as he looked away so mingyu turned to look at him weirdly suspecting something was going on between them both but didn't say anything
they left the table leaving jisoo alone, who just sat there finishing his food when suddenly a thought came to his mind, what jeonghan was doing in that moment
he shook his head with an angry look, why was he even thinking of that? but not wanting to think about it just made him picture more stuff, like jeonghan naked or jeonghan and him in the restroom the day before
he exhaled with a shaky breath and looked down at his crotch only to then look around nervously to see if anyone was watching him and thankfully no one was even paying attention to him
he stood up and ran quickly to the restroom that was the furthest from the cafeteria so he wouldn't run into jeonghan and mingyu, as soon as he got there he locked himself in a stall and stared at his problem
"oh my god" he said clearly annoyed "why does he-" he didn't even finish what he was about to say and just sighed instead with his day ruined deciding to stay there until it was back to normal
he then heard some sniffs from the stall beside him and raised an eyebrow, he didn't leave the stall because he needed it to cool off but still was worried that someone was crying "hey, are you okay?" he asked as he knocked on the stall from his own one
the person beside cleared his throat and sniffed "oh yeah yeah sure" he said chocked up
"you don't sound very okay, i know this is kind of weird but you can tell me, if it comforts you i don't recognize your voice and haven't seen your face and you probably don't even know who i am" jisoo said with a little smile trying to sound comforting
"well, there is something that's bothering me" the other person beside him said still with a slight crying tone
he took a deep breath and wiped his nose "my b- partner is cheating on me" he said and pressed his lips together holding in his tears
jisoo nodded reassuringly even when the other couldn't see him so the other continued "i was guilty at first for even suspecting them although i had proof, but i just saw them going together into the cafeteria's restroom and well it makes sense i mean i'm not even like attractive or anything i just wanted him to like me- i mean i thought they liked me-" he continued
jisoo furrowed his eyebrows and made a concerned expression "going into a bathroom?" he asked
the other sniffed "yes" he said sadly "it was with that guy yoon jeonghan"
jisoo opened his eyes widely and widened his mouth as he covered it "oh my god" he accidentally said out loud "i'm so sorry, but i know who your boyfriend is"
"what?" the other said with a concerned tone "boyfriend? who said-?"
he was interrupted by jisoo "i mean it's okay if you're not out, i'm sorry for saying that but i saw them going into the restroom too" he said
"oh" the boy said sadly "actually i am out, i've been out pretty much my whole life, it's just that he isn't out and forced me back in with him, he's very mean to me and hides me from everyone, he keeps telling me i'm his boyfriend and only his but won't even let me talk to him in public and he can be nice sometimes but then he gets really mean again and now i know that he cheats on me- i guess he just wanted me for sex" he said as he chocked up again
jisoo came out of the stall "oh my god, i had no idea, i'm so sorry, i didn't even know mingyu had a boyfriend" he said "look, i know nothing about your relationship, only what you just told me, but by what you just said, he doesn't deserve you, i'm so sorry this happened to you but you should dump him"
the other came out of the stall too and they immediately recognized each other
"SEUNGKWAN?" the older asked and covered his mouth in shock

suck my dick (jihan smvt)
Fanficjisoo was pure, jeonghan was determined to change that cw: lot's and lot's of smut lmao