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a couple of weeks had passed and jeonghan could tell jisoo was slowly becoming more relaxed around him and every time a little less annoyed at him cursing, it was like he was getting used to him, they both were

"you're so boring i swear" the older rolled his eyes and leaned over to rest his head on the table "and you hardly ever talk"

"i actually do talk, i just don't like you" jisoo rolled his eyes

jeonghan giggled "you're funny sometimes but i bet you'd be funnier if you weren't so stuck up" he said tiredly "do you jerk off at least?"

the other glared at him "what?" he asked trying not to sound flustered

"i asked if you jerk off, you know, do the nasty with yourself, that" jeonghan said unbotheredly while doing obscene hand gestures

the other just shrugged "why do you care" he asked and looked away with a tired glare "yeah, sure" he lied

the older giggled "yeah, sure" he mocked him "you probably don't even know how to" he said and giggled again

"teach me then" jisoo replied making sudden eye contact

jeonghan was too stunned to speak so he blinked twice "uhh w- h-" he stuttered before he was interrupted by the other

"you say that i'm boring but as soon as i make a joke you don't even catch it, maybe you're just dumb" he said with a cocky glare and took a sip of his strawberry milk

he laughed slightly "okay, you got me" he said and raised an eyebrow "you drink a lot of strawberry milk, don't you think? does your stomach not get upset?" he asked

jisoo hummed "it's almond milk, i don't drink cow milk" he explained and stretched his arm to let him read the ingredients or try some

jeonghan raised his eyebrows with a slight pout curiously and took a sip before furrowing his eyebrows "this shit tastes like paper" he said

"you get used to it" the other replied and took a sip himself

the older giggled slightly, not only were they getting used to each other, they could have actual conversations now without fighting which for some reason was pleasant for him

the sexual tension was still very present between them, especially every time they fought, so much that even someone like jeonghan that could have all the sex in the world was dying to even touch jisoo

"are you religious jisoo?" jeonghan asked curiously since he never really could quite figure out if there was something between them or if it was just his imagination, maybe he was even super religious and homophobic or something

jisoo hummed "no" he said and paused "my parents are, they're very religious actually, but i guess that's no surprise if you look at me, i just- i've never really believed in anything, it's always been just something automatic that i HAD to believe, but yeah, i guess- yeah" he said unbothered as he peeled the tag from his strawberry milk with one finger using it as a fidget

jeonghan slightly widened his eyes "that's the longest phrase i've ever heard you say" he said

"whatever" the younger shrugged

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