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a week had passed since they had gotten high and jeonghan had to start working at another convenience store since he got in trouble for not going for two days to work without any notice

jisoo had gotten a job as a barista and was getting paid well although he could only do six hour shifts because that's how long the coffee shop was open for

jeonghan was in trouble, he had had a dream in which jisoo and him were a couple and it had been so pleasant it scared him and now he couldn't act very normal around the other because he was confused about it

he gulped when jisoo came home from work, since it was his first time feeling weird around him, he had a hard time acting normal

"it's okay, i'll just act normal" he smiled nervously and mentally reassured himself

jisoo yawned and threw himself om the bed he was in, not his own bed, he decided to lie down beside jeonghan just because it was the closest to the door

"i'm so fucking tired" he groaned and covered his eyes with his arm

the older had been tense since the other touched the bed he was in, so he tried to get away from him slightly and then stopped when jisoo giggled

"you've been acting weird lately" he said and sat up with a yawn "mind telling me why?" he asked

jeonghan looked away and shrugged "it's nothing" he said trying to act normal

jisoo chuckled and slightly smirked as he came closer to him "fine, don't tell me, but you look really fuckable right now" he said and licked his lips

the older's breath hitched and tensed up as the other came closer to him only to start kissing his neck making him gasp slightly and close his eyes

he figured that's why sex with jisoo felt weird lately, he didn't quite figure out what the feeling was that made him feel weird around him and noticed he had become a little nervous each time when he was touched by him and that he couldn't control it well, as well as the kisses, those felt different too but it was obvious to him that jisoo was as indifferent towards him as before

suddenly, the younger started sucking on his skin making him pant and shake thoughts like that away so he could enjoy sex with him as he did before but failed miserably when jisoo took his index finger to move his head upwards for more space sending chills all over his body

"WAIT" he slightly raised his voice "stop" he said

jisoo stopped immediately and stared at him completely unbothered but seeming a bit confused raising an eyebrow slightly "yes?" he asked

the other pressed his lips together and sighed, what could he say? he did want to have sex, but at the same time, he felt weird

"i have to tell you something" he said

what was he going to say? not even did he know, he just felt the need to talk to him at the moment completely unable to control his feelings but on the outside stayed with the same normal expression he always had

"i-" he stopped himself and then chuckled "i want to top today" he said although it wasn't what he was thinking

jisoo giggled and then shook his head "you got so serious to tell me you wanted to top? i was actually planning on you topping since i'm kind of tired but was also feeling kinda dominant so meh" he shrugged

jeonghan just rolled his eyes with a little smirk and clicked his tongue "sorry, i'm just kind of zoned out right now" he said

"i figured" the other said before he leaned in to kiss his neck again

- sorry y'all i'm lazy -

when they were done, jeonghan lied down on the bed and panted "fuck" he said lazily and chuckled with a smirk still on his face

"i know, that was pretty good" the younger joined his chuckles and panted too "but i'm pretty sure that you didn't want to tell me you wanted to top, you've been acting weird lately, but if you don't want to tell me i guess it's fine, i was just curious since you've never acted this way before" he said

jeonghan sighed and nodded "okay, i guess i should tell you" he said

jisoo hummed "remember you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to" he said and closed his eyes with a tiny smile feeling his mood lighten up by the intense sex they had just had

the other just chuckled "if i didn't want to tell you i wouldn't tell you, it's just something i've been thinking about lately" he said

since the other said nothing, he continued "i want to get clean" he blurted out and although he wasn't planning on saying that either, he had been thinking about that a lot lately too

jisoo sat up with the sheets only covering from his waist down and his eyebrows raised "really?" he asked

"is it that shocking?" jeonghan rolled his eyes

"well, i mean, i just didn't see it coming, but i'm proud of you" he said in complete honesty with a slightly shocked expression and a little smile

the older hummed and nodded "i'm doing it because i don't want to develop an addiction because it'll be hard to get out, plus, it's just going to kill myself and i don't want to die because of drugs, it's like the lamest death ever" he said

jisoo chuckled "it is" he replied

"but i want you to do me a favor" jeonghan said and started dressing himself

"what is it?" the younger asked

"i want you to quit too, and not because i'm being selfish, i just don't want you to get to the point where you can't control it anymore" he explained

"quit? i don't even like drugs" he chuckled "i've done them a couple of times and only because they're fun with you, otherwise, i don't even enjoy them, if you don't do them, there's no way i would" he explained

jeonghan realized it was true so he didn't do anything but nod "since i don't have an addiction i don't think it'll be hard, but still, i don't know how it'll feel, it's been years since i was sober for more than two days" he said

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