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three weeks had passed since that day and they were both visibly feeling better, jeonghan could walk around like it was nothing and he could do pretty much everything although he was still wearing the neck collar, he could care for his own bruises and even hum some stuff, his facial expressions were doing so much better too

jisoo got another job after a week and at first was very hesitant to leave him alone for the day but was convinced by the other letting out a tiny smile

however he still threw away any hazards on jeonghan's reach making them both feel safer

but today was the day jeonghan would speak again, he already could since 3-4 days had passed from the day it all happened but pretended he couldn't because he wasn't mentally strong enough to do so, but finally wanted to do it because he felt ready

he made some dinner for them both and even put grape juice in some wine cups jisoo had bought because they were cheap

when everything was ready, jisoo called him to let him know he was on his way home and to text him if he needed or wanted anything, he just hummed in agreement and the call ended

he waited nervously for jisoo to come home by walking up the stairs and practiced his voice meanwhile "hello jisoo- hi jisoo- you're pretty jis- i'm jeonghan- i made you dinner" he said although it still sounded very hoarse because of the bruisies he still had and because he hadn't tried to use it much lately

when jisoo's head was finally in his vision he saw him tiredly walking up the stairs about to fall down, he knew that the other always pretended to be less tired than he actually was but didn't know it was that much so his smile faded away as he regretted what he was going to do but it was too late to put everything away

he saw as the younger stopped limping and masked his tired face to a relaxed one as he prepared to open the door and just awkwardly stood there

when jisoo opened the door he got startled at him just standing there and chuckled with his smile lighting up at seeing their table all pretty and dinner ready "what's this?" he asked

jeonghan took out his phone and made up an excuse quickly "i just felt like surprising you" he wrote on his phone and made the voiceover say it, it was what they had been doing for the last week and a half because it was quicker than reading

jisoo smiled fondly "it means a lot" he said and walked normally towards the table making jeonghan feel worse

"do you want to eat together?" he asked

jeonghan nodded slightly although he had his neck collar on and sat down with jisoo following him "you made pasta?" he asked happily

it was his favorite food so he wrote "yes, i had to throw it away the first time i made it because i burned it but the second time it turned out fine, i hope you like it" he made the voiceover say

jisoo hummed and took a bite then widened his eyes "it's so delicious, thank you so much" he said although it was pretty mid

jeonghan smiled lightly and ate silently until he took out his phone "why do you pretend not being tired when coming home from work?" the voiceover said

jisoo pressed his lips together "you saw me from the window?" he asked guiltily

the other nodded slightly making the younger look down completely busted "i don't know, i guess i just don't want you to worry, i'm sorry" he said

jeonghan smiled lightly again "it's okay" he said out loud in a gentle tone and then froze

jisoo froze too and slowly looked up from his plate to see him with incredulous eyes, they both stayed frozen for a few seconds until the younger slowly smiled widely "oh my god jeonghan, i knew this dinner had another purpose" he said and sat as he walked over to him to hug him

the older was still frozen, he couldn't believe it, he had already decided he wasn't going to do it that day but for some reason it came out so naturally and he couldn't say he regretted it

since jeonghan hadn't been talking lately, only writing, much of their relationship was with physical contact, which they were now used to without it having to be sexual

he hugged him back and sighed in relief, it felt good to talk again "i missed your voice" jisoo said and broke the hug "i think it was an accident so it's okay if you still don't feel like talking, i know you've been pretending not being physically able to and it's okay, there's no pressure" he said and sat down on the table again

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