they were in the same class but had never even spoken to each other "oh my god you are jeonghan's friend oh my god oh my god i am so busted oh my god i am so- i'm-" he started panicking about to cry again
"NO, no" jisoo said quickly "first of all, i'm not his friend, second of all, i would never tell anyone about this, your secret is safe with me, please don't worry, i'm not that kind of person" he said
seungkwan looked at him hesitantly but nodded "okay" he said and sniffed
"jeonghan doesn't know mingyu has a boyfriend either, he is surely a pain but i swear he's not that kind of person either" the older said
"i understand mingyu, i mean, i wouldn't like to be seen around me in public either" he said with a sad look as he saw himself in the mirror "look how chubby and ugly i am" he said as a tear left his eye
jisoo furrowed hos eyebrows "being chubby is not a bad thing, you are beautiful, it sounds like you're being manipulated by him and he's taking advantage of that
seungkwan shook his head sadly "i'm not lovable" he said
the older couldn't believe it, seungkwan was a whole victim and he decided this couldn't go on for a minute more, he grabbed him by the wrist and took him outside the restroom "let's go somewhere"
he took him towards the restroom mingyu and jeonghan were in and when they got to the door seungkwan immediately started to plead "no no please i can't- he will dump me- no-"
jisoo looked at him "i will not make you do something you don't want to do but you know this is the right thing, you deserve so much more seungkwan, please try it, you're strong" he said seriously
seungkwan took a deep breath and walked over to the door only to find them both shirtless kissing each other and jeonghan's hand unbuckling mingyu's belt
the other two immediately separated and jeonghan groaned "what is with you cockblocking me? at least this time i'm not completely naked" he rolled his eyes
mingyu was petrified and so was seungkwan, jisoo looked at jeonghan and said "jeonghan, this is seungkwan, mingyu's boyfriend, or should i say, ex-boyfriend"
jeonhan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at mingyu "what the fuck?" he asked "you have a boyfriend? oh my god you tiny asshole, seungkwan i had no idea" he said before taking a step back and slapping him
they all flinched and mingyu touched his cheek still dead serious "we-" seungkwan started with a shaky voice
"it's okay" jisoo whispered and caressed his shoulder
"we're over" the youngest said with fear in this voice
mingyu just looked at the floor "you just did me a favor you disgusting fuck" and was about to storm away but was stopped by an intimidating jeonghan with a cocky smirk and an arm blocking the exit
seungkwan started crying so jisoo hugged him "i can't believe i fucked someone with a boyfriend oh my god, fuck him" jeonghan said angrily "seungkwan, do you want me to beat the shit out of him?" he asked and looked at mingyu with a glare
the younger shook his head "please just leave it, it's been hard enough" he said
jeonghan removed his arm and let the taller storm out without saying anything and then walked over to his shirt and put it on "i'm so sorry he cheated, he's a tiny dumb fuck" he said with a smirk
jisoo furrowed his eyebrows "he's literally taller" he said not getting it
the older chuckled "oh seungkwan, if it makes you feel any better, he was probably compensating for something if you know what i mean" he smirked playfully and licked his lips with a chuckle as he flexed his pinky a couple of times with a sarcastic mocking pout
jisoo couldn't help but snicker once he got it and then realize he had just laughed at something jeonghan said before becoming dead serious "come on read the room" he said with an annoyed glare
jeonghan rolled his eyes but saw seungkwan was giggling silently "he probably was" he said between his tears but with a little smile as he broke the hug with jisoo
"will you be okay?" the older asked
"it's going to hurt, but i think it'll be fine"

suck my dick (jihan smvt)
Fanfictionjisoo was pure, jeonghan was determined to change that cw: lot's and lot's of smut lmao