Rosa 6: Afterglow

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There is a knock at the door, a very persistent knock, and I try to ignore it by snuggling closer into the well-defined chest of Alain. He tightens his arm around me.

    " Why is someone banging at your door at this ungodly time of the morning, Mon Petit?"

    "I don't know!" I grumble. I glance at my watch, trying to focus my bleary eyes. Then I sit up and shout, "Because it's not fucking morning. It's fucking 1:00 in the fucking afternoon."

     I jump up and throw on a robe. "Stay. I want some more.  It's my brother-in-law, Xavier. I was supposed to meet him for lunch! I'll get rid of him. Stay! Please!"
      He growls at me, giving his best imitation of a Brittany Spaniel.

     So adorable. I almost forget Xavier entirely. He shoos me out, and I dash to the door. As soon as it cracks open, Xavier is inside like a shot, grabbing my arms and looking me over like he is searching for wounds.

    " Are you all right? You were supposed to call me as soon as you got back. I have been worried sick. What are you doing still in your robe at this hour? Oh, My Dear Lord, you did not? You were not going to rush into anything, Scott. You've barely gotten used to being without Lan... Please tell me you didn't. We know little about him yet, and you choose to risk yourself like this?" His mouth drops, his eyes widen, and I slowly turn around.

There, leaning against the door frame is Alain, dressed in his suit pants, the shirt hanging loose. Xavier is mute as he finally gets a glimpse of this newest version of his brother, golden and perfect, the topaz eyes assessing him as he watches the concerned man as he fusses over me. He walks over and stretches out his hand. Xavier reaches out to return the shake, his hand trembling slightly.

    " Hello. I am Alain Blanc. I am 26 years old, a filmmaker from France. I am solvent, secure, and completely sane. Furthermore, I intend to see your brother with the hopes of pursuing a relationship. I realize you both have lost a great deal, and for that, I am very sorry. I will not force either of you into confidences you are not ready to share. His husband sounds like he was a good and caring man. I do not seek to replace him. I simply want to get to know Scott."

     Xavier turns to me, nonplussed and at a loss for words.

     I grin and say, "He calls me Scutt. That's how the French say Scott. Adorable, right?"

     They both look at me with lips parted. Although Xavier does not look like XiChen and Alain does not look like Lan Zhan, they both look rather alike at this moment, as if they cannot believe I just said what I said. I suddenly feel outnumbered and a little ridiculous.

      Xavier says, " I think I need coffee, and just a small dab of Baileys in it, please."

     " The same, Mon Petit, sil vous plait?"

      Okay. So far, so good. Alain is a very direct man, no bullshit. Thank goodness, I have already learned how to handle that from the master of directness. Many, many times.

      I place the coffee in front of them and sit back to watch. I feel bad for Xavier. He is still in shock and emotionally he is not doing well. He had also not expected to see his brother in his new form so unexpectedly, and he can't seem to regain a solid foundation. I see him swallow and blink back tears, reaching deeply for his reserve of calm and reason. When he can respond, he meets Alain with a similar frankness.

     " It is hard, seeing you here this morn...this afternoon. I am not opposed to you or a relationship with Scott. I want him to be happy, more than anything. But he has a very impulsive nature, so yes, I am rather protective. He went through a lot of anguish when my brother left us.

     "I realized this when I met him. He reacts instinctively and reason comes later, does it not?"

      "Glad you picked up on that. It can get him in trouble, more often than not." They leaned closer, finding me as common and more secure ground. This is getting a little much.

    " I understand the need to want to shelter him."

     "Uhmmmm. It is a challenge. You must always be aware of that."

     "Hey!!"! I interject. " I am sitting right here, dammit. I like it that you two aren't ready to kill each other, but show this third wheel a little respect! Talk about me behind my back later. This is getting old."

      Alain has a look of affectionate amusement as he addresses us.
    " I would like to make up for no dinner last night. There is a charming Asian Fusion place with a seafood hotpot as its specialty, not far from the theater. Would the two of you join me tonight?. I need to get to a meeting in one hour, so I'm going to take off right now. Shower and do so research. How about 7:30?'

I stay silent, leaving it to Xavier. He accepts and I feel my heart soar. The start was rocky, but that natural pull, even more, visceral than what is between Alain and me, has blossomed quickly. I would have it no other way.

Alain returns from the bedroom, phone to his ear and jacket over his shoulder. He could, and probably in the future, would grace Vogues cover someday.

"Good. Five minutes, down in front. Thank You." He turns to Xavier

"I am very glad to have met you today. I am looking forward to dinner."

Will you come with me to the car, Mon Petit?"

I quickly slip on a pair of jeans and a T, and we walk into the afternoon sunlight. He bends to kiss me, and it is probing and longing and sweet.

He enters the limo and drives away. I turn back and march slowly up the stairs, bracing for the tongue-lashing sure to come from the waiting Xavier.


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