Fanning Away the Past

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Nie Huaisang unfolded his favorite fan when he entered the gym in the basement. He rarely removed it from his safe during this current lifetime. 2023 in a quiet town like Charlottesville? Who needed a Japanese war fan in this day and age? But after his encounter with Xue Yang, he decided the iron weapon, designed to look like silk, was the perfect item in his collection to dust off and begin to use as a part of his regular attire.

People were already used to his passion for fans, many were of his creation, delicate and lovely things. Exquisitely hand-painted by him, they were prized whenever he gifted them. Though he was often advised to sell them, he could not bear to do that. Each was personal to him and only those he loved or respected received them. He was secretly making one for each of his new family. A special one was also in the works for Cherry and wanted to make certain that he would live to give it to her.

He was out of shape. Still small, he preferred that build, it made people automatically underestimate him, but he needed to tighten his muscle tone. He had not sensed Xue Yang before he was attacked, and that sharpness needed to be honed.

He began with some basic Jui-Jitsu movements, learned in a past life in the period it was developed. After a thirty minutes of work, the rustiness had receded, and he was moving like water. He reached surreptitiously to his belt and removed the fan, flipping it open, and delicately began to fan himself as he approached the new heavy bag that had been replaced after Yenay's previous moments of frenzy. He smiled upward, deceptively effeminate, then swiftly whirled and kicked out towards the bag's center. He snapped the fan closed and jabbed the sharp, decorative, golden spokes on the two side casings into the space that would have held the right eye; a second stab obliterated the left orb. He instantly flipped the fan open again and used the thin, razor-sharp iron panels to sever the jugular vein and reversed his direction to open the carotid artery. It took ten seconds and Huaisang stood, looking dispassionately as sand poured from the bag.

"I had not budgeted for three bags this month." A dry chuckle came from behind Huaisang and he turn around. He had not heard anyone enter and he watched Lan Zhan emerge from the shadows. The man walked over to inspect Huaisang's handiwork.

"Good job. When did you learn this?"

"The Edo Period, Japan. Helped develop the first Tessen Fans used. For protection in defense and combat. "

"I was killed by one of those once. Probably a hundred or a hundred and fifty years later. Magnificent piece. Most effective." Lan Zhan held out his hand. "May I see it?"

Huaisang smiled politely but took a step backward and shook his head. "I hate to refuse. But nobody but the fan's partner may have that privilege. A lot like the relationship between you and Bichen."

"Of course. This strength of yours will be a surprising and welcome addition when it is time to do battle."

"I intend to get into top shape by then."

"It is a very stealthy weapon."

"A fan in the hands of a slight and silly man can be most disarming."

"I remember that very well."

There was a moment of uneasy silence and Lan Zhan motioned to the gym mats on the floor.

"Huaisang, would you mind sitting with me for a moment? I wish to talk to you."

Huaisang nervously sat and Lan Zhan sat opposite. He was a little apprehensive. He always was in Lan Zhan's presence, even in this current body of Alain's. The Temple disaster was thousands of years in the past, but it sometimes seemed like it happened just yesterday. He met Lan Zhan's calm but measuring gaze with eyes that were hesitant and a little fearful.

"What happened, happened eons ago, Nie Huaisang. It was a product of Meng Yao's betrayal of all of us. We all trusted him at first. He was sad and pathetic. We wanted to protect him, and he used us."

"I did too. I betrayed you and used you for my own vengeance." There was a sheen of tears in his dark eyes.

"True. And you have spent how many lives, shielding, protecting, and providing for us? Building our wealth from lifetime to lifetime. You have built those lifetimes of your own around our needs because of duty and guilt."

"It was owed. I have done it willingly."

"We know. We want you to know that that debt has been canceled, more than paid long ago. We forgave you long ago, yet you still insisted on serving."

"I...thank you, but I do not agree. Debts like mine, debts owed to friends I injured are endless."

"But family debts can be forgiven with more ease." Lan Zhan's golden eyes were warm and sincere, and they held Huaisang's with intensity. He reached out and clasped the smaller man's hands.

"Nie Haaisang. I consider you my brother. Brothers may lose faith in one another. We may suffer disappointments and sorrow caused by one another. But they always forgive. And you are our brother."

He stood quickly. "No! It is an honor I cannot accept. I lost that right back then."

Lan Zhan rose as well and walked over to open the gym door. "Come in. You were right. He has decided to be difficult." The entire group of residents entered and stood in a semi-circle before him. He gripped his hands together and searched Chu Chu's face. She smiled lovingly at him and then Lan Xi Chen spoke,

"Nie Huaisang. We have all voted. It was unanimous. All of us had siblings during that time. Many of them died, never because of you, but because of Meng Yao. I miss Mingue desperately, to this day. He would have wanted us to share this bond with you. Please do not disappoint us."

He looked helplessly at each face and saw nothing but acceptance and affection. He had not allowed that in his life, fully until this moment. He w as weeping with happiness as he nodded his assent. Wei Ying walked over and hugged his old fishing companion. He spoke teasingly, wheedling his friend."We bought you and Chu Chu a present, a brand-new Love seat, just for two. Wanna see?"

Huaisang wiped his nose on his sleeve and looked up.

"Okay. But can I ask a favor?"

"Sure. Anything..."

"Can we still keep the fainting couch?"


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