Sometimes Saviors Must Be Saved

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Lan Zhan was left standing alone after his brother went to meditate and everyone was with their loved ones. He wanted to be at Wei Ying's side, badly. He needed the comfort of those amazing eyes, the bright smile, the knowledge that the one constant in his life was still just that. He wandered into his suites and watched Wei Ying silently as he poured over the array yet again. How many times had he rechecked it in the last 8 hours? He was obsessed with making sure that it was unbreakable. He raised his head and smiled at his quiet partner, eyes distracted, his focus still on saving the complex from another invasion. Lan Zhan smiled weakly back, walked into their room, and laid down, worn out and saddened. If Wei Ying was keeping calm through this search for safety, that was fine. He would rather not disturb him right now.

Wei Ying heard him arrive and then disappear and slowly it dawned on him how strange the look on Lan Zhan's face had been. He was suddenly worried. It was not like his Lan Zhan; he normally would have insisted on one kiss, even more likely, one dozen. He was instantly on alert. He peeped in and saw the unflappable man, lying on the bed, face buried in Wei Ying's pillow. Then he saw a slight shaking of the wide shoulders and he knew he had to do something. He crept the other way through the bath and stood in the walk-in closet where he stripped and changed into a red silk tunic. He brushed the auburn curls until they gleamed like autumn leaves then walked soundlessly into their room. Ying touched his shoulder and then crawled alongside him to sit cross-legged. His husband turned over and exchanged the pillow for Ying's soft lap, and silently wept. No heaving, no cries uttered. Just a still and heartbroken weeping that did not seem to end. Ying chewed his bottom lip, keeping his emotions under strict and iron-clad control. He stroked the antique-gold hair and murmured endearments in English, German, and in Chinese. Everything he could call to mind that he had used over the ages. Eventually, Lan Zhan raised his head and Wei took his face tenderly in his hands and began to kiss the tears away.

"There, you go. That's my big man. Do you know how much I love you? No? Well, neither do I, because I do not think I have yet reached the depths of it, My Love. Can you imagine that? Not even close! All I know is that no matter how strong those shoulders are, you cannot and will not suffer these things alone."

Those gorgeous topaz eyes hung on to every word, let them soak into his soul as if they were life-rafts he could cling to.

Ying continued, voice low and soothing. "You do not have the right to sneak past me and try to hide this from me. You should have grabbed me and shook some sense into me. Do you understand? I will share this burden with you. The others will rally, and gods help Xue Yang when the might of this group falls on his neck. He will be so obliterated that there will be nothing left to be resurrected. He will wish for hell..."

Two full lips covered Wei's mouth. Two strong hands held his shoulders hard, and a demanding tongue took possession of Ying's hungry mouth. The movement was swift, and the silver-eyed beauty could not, would never have considered objecting. He began to explore Lan Zhan's mouth, tasting that honey he adored and craved.

They broke for air and Ying could not stop himself. His tongue laved the strong neck that rose above the white, silk shirt until he reached the bottom of the V neckline. His hands slipped inside, feeling the well-muscled chest, returned to cup the shoulders, and slid the silk down to pool around Lan Zhan's hips. He began to lick every inch of the burnished gold skin, paying an excruciating amount of time on the erect nipples and he smiled to himself when he heard his mate growl in pleasure. The more he aroused the Lan Tiger, the less the Lan warrior would dwell in Xue Yang's muck and mire.

He dropped his hands to the top of Lan Zhan's jeans and pushed them past the hips, and he heard him sigh as he sprung free of the confining material.

Wei Ying wrapped both his hands around Lan Zhan, once again stunned at his girth and the  length of him. He pushed his mate down, moving his palms up and down the shaft.

"I want you to relax. As I begin, think of nothing but me. Let silver and gold meet and meld. Let me take away your worries and sadness as only I can do. Watch my eyes as I go down on you and make you scream and cum. Once. Twice. As many times as it takes, nothing matters but you for right now. Do you understand me?"

In answer, Lan Zhan gripped the back of Wei Ying's head and Wei Ying opened his lovely lips and took the hard cock in, to the root. He watched as the cat within awakened and Lan Zhan became feral, and the world fell away from his shoulders. All that mattered was that mouth around him. That tongue churning. That molten silver stare that never left him. It was his salvation, his solace, and his drug of choice.

He plunged upward and Wei Ying readjusted to keep him solidly engulfed and began to open his throat further, relaxing, breathing deeply through his nose. His tongue worked feverishly, undulating, never stopping the limited movement within the deliciously full mouth. Each time Lan Zhan neared his zenith, he slowed just enough to take the edge off then redoubled his efforts. The endless suction began to work its magic and he could sense Lan Zhan growing even larger, beginning to spasm, at first lightly, then more insistently until finally, with a primal scream, Lan Zhan erupted, long, hard, and filled Wei Ying's begging throat. Wei thought he was drowning, and he did not care. Every dram was nectar to him, and he refused to lose a drop.

He opened his mouth and pulled away just as his mate lurched forward into his arms and, still spasming with pleasure, passed out as his lover caught him. He was sound asleep as Wei Ying laid him gently down and curled up next to him, carefully placing the beloved head on his chest, and stroking the golden waves. He could wait. As much as he wanted Lan Zhan that very instant, he wanted his husband to pass the night away more, dreamless and insensible to anything else in this world of sadness and uncertainty.

To make sure of it, to erase any chance of that happening, he whispered a plea for privacy to a red and crimson butterfly and sent it to Chu Chu. Then he began to croon a love song just for him. It would be the first of many until he grew dry and hoarse by dawn and finally fell asleep in Lan Zhan's embrace.

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