Revenge: Hot or Cold?

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The figure of Lan XiChen leaned against a massive hickory tree on the edge of the clearing. Nie observed as he bent forward slightly and he could see the usually stoic Sect Master's shoulders begin to shake. Best to allow him his privacy a while. He knew him well enough to give the man some time. The weight of heading the Lan Sect was almost unbearable at times, and despite his hatred for Xue Yang, he was not naturally a cruel man. He was certain that Lan XiChen, while killing Xue Yang himself, would cause no unnecessary suffering. Nie, on the other hand would press for some pain. It was doubtful that his desires would be foremost in the decision making.

Nie Huaisang and Chu Chu rose as they heard the helicopter circle then hover over the center of the clearing. A rescue basket was quickly lowered and Lan XiChen walked back to watch Meng lifted and laid inside. The man rallied and looked around in a daze. He looked for Lan XiChen for reassuance and saw the First Jade smile. Meng's eyes widened in fear as the crew began to winch the patient toward the copter and he lifted his hand and pointed at the Sect Master.

Lan XiChen hurried to reassure the injured man. "Don't worry, Meng Yao. Your David will be cared for until you return to his side."  He pleaded with the medic in charge, "He is in such pain, can you give him something immediately?"

She nodded in agreement. The basket began a slow and twisting ascent into the belly of the craft. The noise from the rotors grew as it lifted and soared away.


Another call. Nie Huaisang  answered.  "Lan XiChen, it is for you. It is Yenay."

He ran to take the phone and tried to keep his voice calm, with no hint of the worry from previously that morning.

"Sister.' His voice still shook with emotion despite his efforts.

"Brother. I got here in time. Mingjue is safe,  although confused. We are posing as a medical team, transporting him to his new home. We should be at the safe house soon."

"And the others? All are safe. Lan Zhan, Qinyang?"

"And Wei Ying?"

"Oh yes. It has been so hectic. Please apologize for my not remembering he was there."

"He wishes to speak to you."


"Brother, No worries. The oversight is minor."

"I am sorry. I forgot I sent you with the team."

"We will see you soon. Was anyone injured?"

" Yes, but worse off is Meng Yao. His spleen may have taken a direct hit." "

"We will not say a word to Mingjue. He would fall apart in his condition.'

"Agreed. Just bring everyone home safely."

"Yes Brother."

The call ended and Wei Ying spoke first. "Something is off. I snuck off as soon as Xue Yang was captured, so I could help you here. I did not seek Brother's permission. Something is wrong with him right now."

Lan Zhan grew pale. "Could he have been injured and not telling us?"

Wei Ying furrowed his brow. "That could be but he sounded strong. Perhaps it is worry about Meng Yao."


"Everyone, until we can pinpoint what can be wrong, let's not act as if we are concerned about anything. Act normal. Do not mention my surprise arrival by your sides. Let not put pressure on him. I imagine he will be better when we arrive This has been a huge load on his shoulders for a very long time." 


 He returned to his tree, lifted his fist and pressed it against his mouth and the shoulders began to shake again.

 Xue Yang bit down hard to force the giggles back.

 It was hell. The figure was not in the habit of suppressing his laughter, especially when face to face and when his enemy's initial panic was so delicious; Meng Yao's confusion  had beenso completely profound, his helplessness so thorough. Really, watching the desperately injured man's shock as he realized who now hid behind the face of his old friend, was worth its weight in gold.

It was almost as wonderful as the moment that Lan Xi Chen had realized he had been silenced, forced into the scold's bridle and shackled like a lamb going to slaughter; the moment he had switched their souls and he, Xue Yang, had become Lan Sect's beloved Master.  He was a little nervous , shanghai'd as he had been by the group in Peach Grove. But he was confident that he had handled it well. 

Now, he had nothing but time, and he would begin soon with Lan XiChen. He would mercifully keep him alive and throw him in the deepest cell he could find; those three days in the tower, as he used him as a recepticle against his will, were going to seem like a vacation in the Bahamas to his precious, beautiful boy. XiChen would learn to crawl and beg for Xue's attention. He would learn to love it. And he would then force him to watch what he had planned for Yenay. His favorites would be with him again. The future was finally looking up for him.

aA giggle escaped and he bit down harder until he tasted blood. Lan XiChen's blood. He had warned him that he would taste him again. And it was sweet. As sweet as he remembered. He now knew how to circumvent the trick the Sect Master had used to shut down his meridians, so he would be denied that release as well. He would find no escape and he would be entirely under Xue Yang's thrall.In this day and age, with the technology available, he would film it all this time. Every single moment and send updates to his loved ones.  He was never one to languish in the past. Who gave a shit about good old days? The  advances in this age could keep memories fresh, exciting and at the same time, bring the worst horror imaginable to his loved ones.  He almost exploded at the excitement he felt as he imagined the madness that he could drive Lan Zhan to, just with the first of his home movies. The year 2024 was going to be his best one ever.

The gods who kept him returning to this earth were unimaginably uncaring and he loved it. He had complete free reign each time he returned and his victim were never free of him. Never. They always fought back. Sometimes they won. But this time he tasted victory. He ran his tongue across his bloodied teeth. And victory tasted like Lan XiChen.

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