Windows to the Soul

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Qinyang was enraged. They had been so close to condemning Xue Yang and now not only Wei Ying but also her brother, Lan Zhan had asked for Life.  After all that Yenay had gone through, to have the two of them back down at the last moment was nearly unbearable.

"What are you thinking Wei Ying? Have you lost your mind?"

He faced her quietly. "I need you to hear me out, Qin. Please. It will sound unbelievable, but I need you to listen. If you still feel the same, I will support the consensus of the group. Please! this could save the life of someone we love."

Yenay reached out and wrapped her arms around her wife, "My Sun. We are all in this together. I understand your anger, but Wei Ying has asked for time and what is that in context to what we have gone through? Let's hear him out."

Wei Ying nodded thanks to Yenay and began by casting the Quiet spell on the room they were using. He did not sugar-coat it. There was no time. His thoughts, suspicions and solution were complex and tangled up in his elemental instincts. So, being Wei Ying, he just took the plunge and dived in, head-first.

"I think the unthinkable has happened. I think that Xue Yang is inhabiting XiChen's body and that XiChen is trapped inside Xue Yang's." The uproar was instantaneous and deafening. 

"Are you insane?" 

"You have lost your mind."

"People saw Lan XiChen take the bastard down."

Wei Ying let them rave for a few minutes, but it was Lan Zhan who called for some sense of order.

"There are few in this world that understand resentful energy and the darker arts, more than Wei Ying. The other is silenced and bound to a pole downstairs. Xue Yang is as proficient at them as Ying. If he has a suspicion of something, let's listen."

"Thank you, Lan Zhan." He began to pace as he set his theory forth.

 " I received my first inkling soon after we contacted Lan XiChen regarding our rescue of David. He had pretended to forget he had sent me to aid you in Peach Grove. In actuality, he had not sent me at all. I snuck off to follow you and see if I could help. XiChen would not have let my little desertion pass. I would have been called out on the carpet hours ago. Yet, nothing more has been mentioned".

 Qin interjected. "He has been under strain. "

"Yes. And that could very well be a reason. However, as I watched the proceedings downstairs, I was struck by many things. XiChen would never let the hearing go on without allowing the accused a chance to speak. Yet Xue Yang has been silenced this entire time. XiChen has not left the room, even for a second. And if you watch him closely, he seems amused as Xue Yang reacts to us."

Nie interjected. "This is all very interesting but not terribly compelling."

"Have you ever seen or heard of Xue Yang weeping? Have you ever seen him look at a person with love and compassion? The man that looks like Xue Yang never once looked at us in distain, anger, contempt. It has been in sorrow, compassion, and gentleness. and he completely fell apart when he saw the way Lan Zhan was looking at him. He looked at Lan Zhan and could not maintain his composure."

.Lan Zhan began to tremble.

" That is true. He strained to talk at that moment as well."

"What do they say? The eyes are the windows to the soul. I believe that XiChen's soul is trapped within the corporeal body of Xue Yang and is crying out in the only way he can, for help."

There was dead silence for a long few seconds.

They jumped as the mobile phone rang in Hauisang's pocket.  

"I better take this. It is the surgeon who is working with Meng Yao.''' His voice rose and his brow knitted together. "What do you mean, out of control?"

He laid the device down and put it on speaker. The group was stunned as the heard Meng Yao shouting frantically. His voice was weak, but persistent. 

"No! NO more painkillers. You let me speak to Lan Zhan now or the hell with you! I will leave this place and find him myself. Get him on the phone now!"

Lan Zhan raised his voice." Meng Yao. Meng Yao, I am here."

 "Oh, thank the gods. Lan Zhan, I am not crazy. I am not hallucinating. Please believe me!" 

"Tell me what is wrong." There was a deep sigh of relief at the other end and Meng Yao continued. "After I was shot, I was in and out of it as Xue Yang and XiChen fought, Just as I started to lose strength, I watched the two come face to face. I saw something strange as I lay bleeding out. I saw Xue mutter something and trace patterns in the air. XiChen froze and I saw a bright flash, so quick it was gone in a micro-second, and at that moment I heard XiChen begin to giggle. When XiChen finds anything funny, he laughs happily, joyfully. He would not know a giggle if it came up and kissed him."

"Go on." Begged Wei Ying.

"I saw them change into one another. I am not crazy or drugged out right now. It happened in front of my eyes. Xue Yang had come out of nowhere with some sort of magic and XiChen was unprepared. He was silenced immediately and then Nie and 'XiChen' bound him up and left himWang lying, helpless, on the ground. It was then that I passed out.

Help him. I am not delirious or delusional. XiChen is trapped and needs you all."

Ming stood as if struck by lightning. Her heart was pierced by the news and the other women rushed to her side as she began to fall. "My Wang Mengqin, my husband. I cannot bear it. I condemned my own husband! What sort of monster am I? He has waited so many lifetimes and I do THIS??"

Lan Zhan bent over the polished surface of the conference table and spoke softly into the phone. "Thank you, we will take it from here. I owe you my life, Meng Yao."

"You owe me nothing. You took me in and gave me a chance to atone. Just save him. He is precious to me."

They stood in utter silence. Lan Zhan was frozen in shock and Wei Ying saw a tear fall to the table. He sank to his knees and covered his face.

"My Gege. My Gege. I looked at him and did not see him. I saw those eyes filled with love and did not see. He was forgiving me, and I did not see."

Wei knelt beside him and embraced him. He whispered. "My love. Now we know. Now we help him."

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