Rosa 11: Sitting in Shadows

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They sat on the floor, in the center of Qinyang's Library/Shop. The men, still speechless and in shock, encircling her, afraid to let her go. Their baby sister had suddenly appeared and there were a million questions to be asked. But to revel in this happiness was the most they could deal with at the moment.

Lan Xi Chen spoke up first, his voice trembling with disbelief and happiness.

"I have long desired to see you, Little Sister."

She nestled in her big brother's arms, feeling the security that lived there. Lifetimes without him were scary places. No Xi Chen to go to when needed. Then she drew back a little. Looked at them intently.

"You three never cease to amaze me. Why do you insist on returning in such lovely bodies?"

"You are one to talk. Always coming back as some sort of delicate flower with a bit of a bite!"

Lan Zhan spoke up somberly.

"Please, have you seen Yenay in this lifetime, yet? I do not..."

Qinyang smiled gently and whispered, "I found her several years ago. She was damaged early in this lifetime. She is recovering, but very unsure of her worth and value. Her memories have been slower to return this time and she is unsure of her welcome."

She stood, taking his hand, and walked him to a secluded nook where a figure sat in silence. "There is nothing to fear. See, I told you he would be the one to ask about you first." The woman, clothed in shadows slowly turned and Lan Zhan was horrified at the fear in her eyes. This was not what he had ever imagined. Thin and nervous, she kept her eyes averted and he suddenly wanted to kill, a feeling he, as Alain, had never felt before. He steadied his breath and said, as softly as possible,

"I am Alain in this life. I was Lan Zhan when I first met you. Do you remember?" The nod she gave was almost unnoticeable.

"Then you remember becoming my sister, my Guardian, my friend?" Another nod.

"You and I never had to talk much. You once said we were twin souls. That was during the worst time of my life. It made me feel calmer and safer. You passed energy to me daily. You brought me back to life." Another nod and he saw her wipe away a tear.

"I will do the same for you, if you allow me. I hope you will learn to trust us enough to help you, as you helped us, too many times to count. Will you think about it?"

This time, to his surprise, he heard a hesitant and small, "Yes. Lan Zhan."

Qinyang watched, eyes full of tears as her love rose and took Lan Zhan's offered hand and allowed him to lead her over to Wei Ying and Lan Xi Chen.

"These two men love you as I do and as Qinyang does. They know how to help you as well."

She smiled uncertainly. " Older Brother, little Brother, am I right?" Her hand rubbed her forehead.

"Yes, even though they have changed, you know them." Qinyang moved to her place at Yenay's side and placed her hand on the taller woman's shoulder and then guided her to a spot in their circle. Yenay had been lovely and strong in her past lives, but here she was very different.

She was exquisite. Extremely delicate features, compelling and haunted. Full lips, marred only by a faint, paper-thin scar at the corner of the bottom lip, barely noticeable. Skin like soft, shimmering mahogany-colored silk. And the eyes, the same molten copper that took the observer's breath away. She was like a fragile ballerina in her build and stature.

"She goes by the name Halo in this lifetime. She has partial memories of our first lifetime together..."

Halo's soft voice interrupted. "You must be disappointed in what I am like now. I"

Wei Ying spoke up. "No. You would never disappoint us, Yenay. We have all come back differently, sometimes stronger, sometimes lost or confused. We have loved you since the beginning. That is a constant that will never change. Please allow us to be a part of this life. We cannot feel complete without you."

"Thank you. I will think about all you have said. " She turned unsure eyes toward Qinyang. "I am tired, Quentin. May I excuse myself and lay down in my room?"

"You do not need to ask, Halo. Of course."

Yenay turned to the others. " Good night. Please call me Halo for now. I do not feel... honest, going by Yenay quite yet." And she turned and left the room. Quentin watched her go and when she sat back down, a few tears marked her cheeks.

"Sometimes it is unbearable. It is why I came searching for you. It has taken 5 years of looking. I cannot help her on my own anymore."

"How can we help?" Asked Xavier.

"That's just it. I am not sure. I was lucky. A year ago, I was in a dentist's office and was reading the latest People Magazine. I saw a picture of Alain and Scott. The story was about their relationship, Alain's new film, and reincarnation. I knew you immediately. But I had to be 100% certain so I came to Charlottesville on a quick trip, leaving Halo in safe hands. I watched the two of you and became certain. I saw that Scott was a regressionist and knew his expertise would be invaluable. And she, we, needed to have her brothers around her for emotional and physical protection until we continued healing her. So, I sold my original store and came here with her. Then opened this one. When I was sure our roots were beginning to take, I approached you at the bar."

"How did she become like this?"

"Originally, until the age of five, Halo had a normal and happy life. Her parents adored her. They called her Halo because she was their little angel. Then her mother died after crossing a street and getting struck by a drunk driver. A year later, her father died of sickle cell anemia.

They had been deliriously in love. All their parents had passed on, so the three of them only had each other. After their deaths, a family friend had assumed custody, according to their will. But he was not what he seemed. Within a year he began to sexually groom Halo, suggestive speech, exposing her to pornography, some manual stimulation. He prized her virginity. Protected it zealously. It brought a huge price at the age of ten. Then rented her out to friends and clients. By the time they were caught, she was broken, so badly that nobody could seem to help.

I met her when I volunteered for a Rape and Incest program. She called one night, memories beginning to surface of the abuse to the point of a complete breakdown. She was so distraught that I had the call marked as a hot call and went to find her. I recognized her instantly when she looked at me strangely and called me 'Qinyang'. As soon as I could, I filed to become her Guardian. As many times as she has been ours, I needed to return her devotion and dedication to us in any way I could. It took several years, but I have been protecting her ever since."

Xavier asked quietly, "Are you...?"

"As always, I am in love with her, but no...We are not lovers. We may never be. She may never be able to sustain that kind of relationship. But she will be loved, protected, and cared for during her life."

She sat there, straight and unbowed. Her commitment was clear and rock-solid. The men were struck silent, awed, but unsurprised by her quiet ferocity.

After all, she was Lan Chang Qinyang and undefeatable.




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