Epilogue:The Deep

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One month later, a private jet left Charlottesville and headed for the long flight to a small airport on the western coast of the Philippines. On board were seven souls. Eight, if you counted the thing in the steel box as a soul. 

It landed and waiting for them was Nie Hauisang. He had an armored limousine standing by, and they were quiet and subdued; this was not a time for celebration. Forced to do the unthinkable because of the relentless actions of a sick, warped mind, they could only hope and pray that this final and desperate step they were taking would provide respite for those Xue Yang had tormented for so many lifetimes. They knew there had been many that suffered at his hands, and they did not know who all they were, but they lay heavily on each of their minds, and they wanted peace for them as well as themselves.

The drive to the dock was short and a luxury yacht, designed for long voyages and rough seas, awaited them. They said very little as they boarded and each went down to their assigned cabins. They had little rest for the last twenty-four hours and were all ready to see if sleep would come. 

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had a good-sized cabin, and they did not even bother to change clothes. Wei Ying's eyes were already drooping, and his husband gathered him up and held him tightly, humming him to sleep. Lan Zhan, however, could not will himself to drop off. His usually ordered mind was too full.

The day they saw each other for the first time in one and a half lifetimes was uppermost in his thoughts. The overwhelmed man fleeing the Vinegar Hill Theater had grabbed at his heart and without any say in the matter,  he let him. He flashed back further to the moment he had used his last ounce of strength to seek death in the dirt of Bergen-Belsen in order for his soul to be beside his Ying has he breathed the gas in the death chamber. He had finally met an enemy too large to defeat and had failed to save him.  This was why he was allowed to return, to make certain his loved ones were not destroyed again. Working as a unit, they were going to end their greatest threat and live in peace.

They had faced the worst that this lifetime had dealt and defeated it at long last. And until they reached the Marianas Trench, he could not rest. This time he would never allow failure. He kept vigil, his eyes never straying from the Tungsten steel case that held all that was left of Xue Yang.

Morning came, and the seas had stayed calm, as if to insure a safe voyage for the end to their nightmares. Their own personal Javert, who had been relentless in his pursuit and torment of them, was meeting his well-earned destiny.

Days went by, and they sat in the non-stop sunshine, casually conversing, watching dolphin and whales cutting through the bright water. Yenay and Qinyang were immersed in rediscovering one another. General Ming was beginning to show, and Lan XiChen was always by her side, his hand straying over to touch the gentle swell of her belly in wonder. Nie had left Chu Chu in charge of the Firm until his return, then they were going to start planning their wedding. It would be at the Barboursville Vinyards where theater had brought them together. All wanted to settle in the rolling hills in Charlottesville. They had fought hard to find peace there. It was now their home.

Nie left the wheelhouse for a moment and said, "We will be there in three hours. The depth finder will sound when we are above our targeted area, above the Challenger Deep. Be ready, let's dump the trash and leave. I do not want to waste any more time than necessary."

Lan Zhan went below deck and retrieved the metal case, and he laid it on the table between Wei Ying and himself. It sat, dark and squalid, in the sunlight. 

And then it was time.

Nie dropped anchor, and they all looked at each other, a solemn drive in each face, determined to end this madness for once and all. Lan XiChen walked over slowly and all heard the click of the steel latch as he opened it. His strong hand picked up the knife and all could see the face within, It looked like it had aged a hundred years. Terrified eyes stared out at them, insanity had taken full possesion of the soul within. The lips formed the word 'NO!' endlessly as Lan XiChen turned a full 360 degrees, showing Xue Yang his final resting place, the endless, bottomless seas of the Marianas Trench.

"Goodbye Xue Yang, and may your soul live for all eternity in cold and soundless dark. May you never know a moment's peace."

He placed him back in the case and did not spare a second glance. Yenay joined XiChen and each held an end of the box, walked over to the boat's side and let it drop. All watched as it fell, cut the surface with a solid splash, and disappeared from view.

They headed back the long way home, and Lan Zhan finally slept, quiet, sheltered and at peace, in Wei Ying's loving and steadfast arms.

The End


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