Birds of A Feather

56 15 13

This Chapter is dedicated to a fabulous author, chocolatewithtea, who not only suggested Wei Ying's weapon but also inspired my character of Iris...

Ming, seeing no other option, followed Lan Zhan's advice. She stayed away from the cell after that day. The baby, nestled in her womb, was too precious to risk. As she paid her penance, her sentence in hell had been  made worse by the knowledge that she would not see her little ones grow up, marry, bring their own children into the world. That Lan XiChen would have to do the work for her as well. That the time she spent in hell meant less time with him and no chance for other children until she had satisfied her karma.

To have concieved this soon was unexpected and should have been a joyful time for them both. But it now tasted like ash in her mouth. She saw the stunned look in her husband's eyes, the darkness there and she could not erase it from her mind. Her hand continuously strayed to stroke her still flat belly, trying to reassure the tiny spark that all would be fine. That it's daddy would come back to them and that they would be a family.

Answers eluded her. If only they could fly away and leave it all behind. Go where nobody could follow and live in a small cottage, a wild thicket of a garden to sit in and smell the flowers and listen to the songbirds. Large magnolia trees would shade them in the hot, sultry Southern summer, the large white, waxy blossoms would send that heady, seductive perfume over them, bringing dreams of the future. Lan XiChen would watch her tummy swell with innocent life. What would it be like with him gazing at the two of them as the baby grew fat with her milk and healthy and hearty in the sunlight? It was the simple, universal dream of any mother. And it seemed unreachable. Their days of flying were no more.

"A young woman like you should not look so despairing." 

A soft voice startled her. Across the small demi-park sat a little woman. Ageless, with bright yellow hair and sharp black eyes. She had been spreading seeds around and a myriad of birds surrounded her They chirped and sang in a wild yet united cacophony and occasionally she would chime in. She had a lovely voice, full of happiness and hope.


"It is written all over your face, and in your heart. If it lasts too long, it will affect the chick you carry."

Really startled now she stood, ready to flee.

"I am sorry, I can be too blunt at times."

"How did you know I am ..."

"Pregnant? If a woman really desires the child she carries, she sparkles. No matter the weight of the world, no matter the centuries of worries and wear, she sparkles with promise and fertility, ready to nurture despite all her troubles."

"And you see this in me. How?"

"It is a trait we old souls have."

"Then tell me, why can't I see a solution?"

"Your wings have been clipped, Snowy Owl."

At that point she started to run away. She heard the chirping voice call out, "I am here most days. feel free to visit again."


Wei Ying was on a roll. He had a head start on this vital project, since his chief responsibilities were arrays and protection. His workshop was crammed with odd and experimental acquisitions ; things he tinkered with that were not among the usual objects found in the usual handyman's shed. Lan Zhan's deep pockets were always open to fill his mate's inquisitive mind and hands. And today he believed he had found his holy grail, the thing that might be able to not only save Lan XiChen but send Xue Yang permanently into the depths even darker than hell, from which there would be no escape.

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