A Hand Reaches Out

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When Meng Yao woke up, he was startled. He had actually slept soundly. The sun was snooping through the slight opening of the window blinds and he heard murmurs in the living room. As stressed as the group beyond his door may be, they had allowed him to sleep in. He washed his face and brushed his teeth rapidly and noticed that the clothes that he had worn yesterday had been cleaned and slipped into his room as he slept. These simple acts of kindness touched him deeply. He appeared from nowhere, begged the help of people he had devastated in the past, and they had not kicked him to the curb. He could not wrap his head around it. 

He inched the door open, gathering his courage and slipped into the room. All talk ceased and eyes turned his way. He bowed nervously. not knowing what to do now. Lan Qinying was the first to take pity on him. Her natural compassion usually guided her and even though she found him loathsome she spoke to him, voice brisk and matter of fact. 

"Please sit. The chair by the window is comfortable. I have saved some breakfast for you."

"Thank you. I am not hungry and hope I did not put you out. I am grateful for the clean clothes. It was most kind."

'No problem. I had a load ready to go. I simply tossed them in. But you need to eat, Meng Yao. Your mind must be at it's best today. There is much you must justify to us and there is a lot of planning to do if we decide to help you.'

Huaisang patted her shoulder.  "Fed him earlier around 2:00. He was ...restless. And there is no need to Mother Hen this one. Not until we get more answers."

"Lan Qinyang, I would be grateful for some tea and a steamed bun. Huaisang stuffed me full last night. Thank you."

"Alright. And limit the thank yous. No need. It will become tedious after a while." The tiny blond woman busied herself behind the breakfast counter.

 It was strange, seeing them in their new bodies. It would take some getting used to. He had chosen to keep his own in some kind of masochistic behavior he could not suppress. A physical sort of "Kick Me" sign for former enemies to target easily. Why hide when you owed a whole generation their revenge? Enough of them that had lived alongside him, were reincarnating now with their memories forcing their way to the surface, drawn together to seek solace and vent anger. Hiding did little good, at least until he had found the blank and ill Mingjue, a man who needed help and the one he owed so much. That had become Meng Yao's last salvation and his only mission in this life. He would endure anything to help this man.

Lan XiChen stood with his back to him but General Ming glared at him in constant warning. Like Xue Yang and himself, she was in her old form. So many newly reprieved from longer lengths in hell, returned this way. Was this common practice by the gods? Was it a continuation of punishment or a grace granted to ease them into life again? Who knew how the gods did things. They just keep playing with their human chess pieces, placing bets on the outcome.

Huaisang was totally American even down to a sassy, androgynous look and attitude. It took him a moment to decipher Cherry; she was obviously an older pro at this as well and then it hit him. Chu Chu. The strong and devoted maid servant of Qinyang and Yenay was once again their ally.

Yenay. The object of Xue Yang's obsession. She had changed completely. Lovely and deceptively delicate. Her ebony skin and natural curls went well with the familiar copper eyes. He sensed great damage yet immense determination. Although not as stalwart as he remembered, she was extraordinarily lithe and fit. She stared at him in a measuring way, and he knew he was found wanting in every respect. The attachment between her and Qinyang seemed as solid as ever.

Meng Yao cringed inwardly as he watched Wei Ying and Lan Zhan as they sat together, arms touching, always as near to one another as possible. He flashed back to the day at the temple, the day when he had flayed Wei Ying with his vicious tongue, scouring him with the simple fact that he had used him as a scapegoat because he was so absolutely suited for the role; he was already the object of envy, free-spirited, too lovely. So many lesser men  wanted him brought down that Meng Yao's work was almost done for him. it took very little effort to set Wei Ying up. He had deliberately chosen him and if it took down the perfect Jade beside him as well...that simply meant that his most deft and dangerous foe would also fall. He remembered the extreme look of disbelieving hurt on the beautiful face of the young man at that time as he had emotionally eviscerated him on the temple floor without care or mercy, and he wanted to kill himself all over again. 

Wei Ying saw the shame and guilt and recognized it. He had felt it too long on his own shoulders and he felt a brief stab of understanding and kinship. He whispered to Lan Zhan.

"I will speak to him."

"No. Didn't you, last night?"

"Yes. But we need him calm and ready to feed us every bit of information needed to rescue Mingjue. He needs avenues to do this. If there is nobody on his side, he will not be able to confide in us completely. I remember how lonely that position is. It is suffocating when you are despised by all."

"Wei Ying always had me."

"But I could not see even that. I was too far gone."

You are too empathetic, my love, And there is no stopping you, is there?"


Lan Zhan pulled him in for a kiss and sighed. "I will not leave the room."

"My Strength, I knew you would not." The silver eyes glowed with love.

Wei Ying approach Meng Yao and pulled a chair over in front of him. "I was harsh with you last evening. I am sorry."

Meng Yao shook his head. "No need for apologies. Those are only owed by me and they will never be adequate."

"You know, Meng Yao, I remember my return after 13 years. I felt so much guilt that it was almost unbearable. Trust was non-existent and the entire world seemed against me. Only Lan Zhan had unswerving faith in me. But that was enough to ground me and help me face every other living soul."

"The difference was that you were innocent. I framed you and put you in that position. I am unforgivable."

"I do not believe that. If one truly regrets and wishes to be of service, really and honestly wishes to help, forgiveness may be within reach."

"I find that impossible to believe. But I do have one person who cares for me, as well. He does not recall how I wrought his destruction, and if he does, I will lose him forever, but he is the reason I came here and I do not plan on failing him."

"Then, we will help you. But complete honesty must be what you bring to the table."

"It is all I can offer."

"Then, let us all bring him home together."

Wei Ying returned to Lan Zhan's side and his husband slipped his strong arm around the slim waist, gripping him tightly. He still could not bear him in such close proximity to the person who had manipulated their near demise. His topaz eyes search Wei Ying's looking for any signs of strain. Wei Ying laughed, sending a responding tingle down Lan Zhan's spine.

"Our room,." He growled softly. Wei Yingfelt an answering rush of desire but whispered quietly, "Later. We have too much to do today. XiChen will call for order in a moment and everyday must wait until tonight, Hmmmm?"

"You will make it worthwhile?"

"I will make it Transcendent!"

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