A Never Forgotten Acquaintance

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Qinyang was still living the afterglow. Her Yenay was back in her arms after so many lifetimes. What, 9...12? Each one was chosen to experience a rainbow's variety of relationships and was insisted upon by the gods. The message was clear. Try life in its infinitely amazing ways. She complied with all, even finding enjoyment and pleasure in some, but Yenay was her soulmate and she wanted only her, and she wanted her as it had been that first life together. She just never expected the challenge the deities would visit upon them this time. But it was worth it, the struggle that had come with the obstacles, even more, horrendous for her love and herself. But she wanted Yenay and no one else would do.

She was also delighted with the return of Ming. She had missed Ming as she suffered her karmic duties. Her admiration had only grown after hearing of her trials and not a soul on the planet had even been allowed to touch her brother XiChen as he had waited for his only mate. Each reincarnation had been one of celibacy except for the lifetime on the Great Plains, and his constancy was an inspiration.

She finished the luncheon dishes and checked the time. 5:00 PM. The boys and Yenay should have left an hour ago from training. They already called ahead and said they would bring a pizza home. That meant at least 9:00 before they arrived. It was a slow drive through the mountains and a drizzle had begun to fall already, covering C'ville in the misty fog along with the rain. 9:00 at best. The doorbell rang and she opened it to Nie Huaisang.

He was on his way to rehearsals and was acting somewhat nervous as they sat for a cup of tea. The small man hemmed and hawed with idle chatter, and she let him ramble on about Ming's return. Then he swiftly touched on the reunion of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying and the improvements between her and Yenay. Everything was surface, always skirting around his real reason for coming. Finally, Qinyang lost her patience and her cup chinked loudly against its saucer.

" Nie Huaisang, get to the point!"


"Point. You are dancing around like a demented lead in a Beijing Opera House. Speak, man, speak!"

"I...I... have met somebody...maybe...I... think. Oh, I don't know...I don't know!" He looked flustered and anxious as a hen laying a goose egg.

She smothered the urge to laugh and watched him reach into the vest of his usual three-piece suit pocket for his ever-present fan. As soon as it made its appearance she reached over, removed it from his nervous hand, and laid it on the table. He compulsively stretched out his hand to grab it and she rapped his knuckles with the bowl of the sugar spoon. He yelped like a wounded Pekinese and placed a knuckle in his mouth, eyes bugging from his head.

"Wha?..." He mumbled around the injured digit.

"Calm yourself or you'll have a fit of the vapors. What a Drama Queen!"

"King...Drama King, please!"


"Why do you always treat me with so little patience?"

"Why do you always insist on attaching an electrode to my last nerve?"

He sulked a moment.

"Now, Nie Huaisang, why not try again? Tell me about this paragon of patience. And try to leave out the hysterics, I beg of you."

He took a deep breath and looked cautiously over his shoulder, speaking in a sotto voice. "I, we..."

"Why whisper, we are alone."

"Are you sure?"

"Of for gods' sake," She swiftly invoked a spell of silence. "Satisfied?" He nodded and carefully inched toward the fan. "Leave it!" She snapped.

He sighed and spoke. And when he did, his eyes began to shine.

"Her name is Cherry, and she is so pretty. I can't believe she seems to like me!"

"Why not? All the girls in the old days thought you were cute. Annoying but cute. They all wanted to cuddle you!"

"Really? I just thought they wanted a future Nie Master. Did, did you, you know, want to cuddle me, too?"

"Hell no! I had Yenay to cuddle with. You have some very worthy qualities, Bonehead. But you and I bat for different teams."

"Wow, worthy qualities? That is surprising, coming from you!"

"No one else would have chosen to reincarnate just to aid my brothers. You are an extremely loyal and concerned friend to us all." He tucked his head in embarrassed silence. She spoke a little more softly to him. "Tell me more about this lady."

"Well, she is a detective and a bodyguard. Strong but small and quick. She has curly red hair, green eyes, and freckles. Cherry O'Neill. She seems to be a rescuing type, but she doesn't bullshit around. She has a part in the play, and I asked her to join my firm. Talent like that is always needed in our work. I thought she might like to meet you and become a member of the security team."

"You have had her thoroughly vetted?"

"Before I even asked her out."

"She sounds interesting. Hiring for your team is your business of course, so I believe that you would have spotted someone unsuitable, but I think we would like to meet her..."

"GREAT!" He shouted and grabbed his fan. "I'll grab a few bottles of wine and I'll bring her over after rehearsal!" Before she could say a word, he was out the door and heading for the small elevator, leaving Qinyang before she could protest.

She poured a glass of pinot noir. The clock said 8:00 when she rose to have another drink and she was halfway through her third time watching Goblin on Netflix. Woo and Wook were the best bromance ever. Qinyang was completely unaware of a figure entering the room from the bedroom until the sharp blade of a knife pressed against the right side of her slender neck, pressing just enough to break the skin. A pair of long legs slid effortlessly over the back of the sofa. A man's voice, soft and smooth as treacle whispered. "Hello, Lady Lan Qinyang. We have never had the privilege of meeting in person before."

The intruder sank into the sofa beside her and moved her head, his other hand gripping her cheeks painfully, forcing her to look him fully in the face. She met a pair of lovely and quite mad, jet-black eyes. His smile was sweet and devoid of humanity.

"I am Xue Yang. I am a very close friend of your brother Lan XiChen and your lover, Yenay. It an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He seemed amused at the fearlessness in her amber eyes. "My, my, you are a lovely little thing, aren't you? You know, I was planning on killing you tonight, leaving you eviscerated from the sternum, all the way down. Splayed open for all of them to see when they got home after practicing killing me all day. It still has appeal. But we have a little time here, don't we? Already opened a bottle of wine for me. A cozy couch."

He kept the knife steady and slid his hand lightly across the clavicle, exposed at the opening of her satin robe. his eyes drifted back up to stare blackly into the light gold ones, still, without the terror, he needed to see. He slid his hand down further to the top curve of a breast and still saw no response. He removed his hand and grinned. "Oh, you Lans are always putting on a show. It took me three days to break your brother. So, what can I do to you in 30 minutes? Just imagine! And later, when she no longer has you, how long will it take, after I have her in hand, for me to utterly strip Yenay's soul again?"

He finally saw a flick in those dispassionate eyes. "So, if you want to live to love Halo another day, let's see you put a little more effort into this moment, shall we?' I want you on your knees as I direct you, and the pretty mouth of yours ready. And if we have time, we will find that bed you share with MY possession and I will reciprocate, OK? Either that, or they will return to a sight they will never be able to erase. How long do you think Yenay will survive finding her Soldier's Woman, in pieces at my feet?"

This scenario had never entered Qinyang's mind. Having Yenay face something like this was unimaginable. She would shatter and his vengeance would be complete. The gorge rose in her throat. and she fought it down. At the very least, she knew she could endure if he kept his word. She nodded finally. and he grinned at her submission.

"And no teeth. One attempt and I will bash them from your head and still make you finish. Deal?"

Another nod and she slid to the floor as tears filled her eyes. 

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