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As soon as Xue Yang entered the array, the place of Lan XiChen's final confinement and the place he had soared away from, the killer gave the Goddess a mock bow. He turned...and Yenay was no longer in front of him. It barely had time to register when he was hit from behind by a staggering blow. As he teetered off balance, the might of the hickory sword, that hit above his waistline and close to his right kidney, forced a deep groan from him. Yenay danced lightly around to the opposite side of the confined space to confront him head-on as he charged, razor-sharp blade flashing as he came. She parried them neatly, but as she raised her arm to hit again, he saw an opening and thrust towards her abdomen. Her leather armor took the brunt, however, the blade slid down and bit into the top of her upper thigh. There was a spasm of pain that contorted her delicate features. Before he could gloat, she pivoted to one side and counterattacked with a hit to the bicep of his sword arm. Another groan and she laughed, with blood streaming down her leg, she had the nerve to laugh at him?

"What, did I tarnish your Halo's reputation as the perfect victim? She and I have been working hard to get to today."

He spat back with lewd precision.

"I do not know who was sweeter, spread before me, you or your precious brother. Nor do I know who to taste first between you two, when I win the day" 

She heard a sharp intake of air and caught a sudden movement from Lan Zhan, beyond the array. 

"Stand, Lan Zhan. If you interfere, I will not forgive you. Sheath Bichen, now. Wei Ying, use a talisman to stop him if you need to."

"Of course, Yenay." His mate stared at him in disbelief, and Wei Ying spoke, touching Lan Zhan's forearm lightly. "I will if I have to, my love. She will handle this." Yet his silver eyes were tarnished with worry.

He plunged forward and caught her across the hip, each blow he had delivered was carefully chosen from places not covered by her armor She pushed forward with blows that knocked him back, leaving him to try and catch his breath after a jab from the wooden tip into the soft upper part of his stomach. The two stood there warily, then charged, trading blows, trying to get the advantage.

They were covered in his sweat and Yenay's blood. The soft tissue damage from the wooden sword was devastating, and so were the slashes to the woman before him. Their breathing was labored, but neither gave quarter. A sudden rush from Xue Yang made Yenay step back. She felt her foot slip in a pool of her own blood, and she fell flat on her back. 

Xue Yang laughed out loud, and he straddled her body with his legs and lifted his sword above his head.

As Lan Zhan leaped forward, toward the array, there was a resounding scream and the owl tore away from Ming's arm and flung himself against the grid. The impact was repelled by the array, and the noise of it distracted Xue Yang for a split second. Before the bird could fall to the ground, Yenay brought her weapon up hard aiming for Xue Yang's unprotected groin, and hit her target with all of her strength. 

His eyes bulged, and a hideous scream ripped his throat, and he grabbed himself and fell to one side.  Yenay saw everything happening through a red veil of fury, and she leaped to her feet and towered over the man beneath her She kicked him until he rolled over and lay spreadeagled on the floor. Then she took aim with the pointed tip of her boot, wanting to obliterate him and the weapon that had violated her and XiChen She was rabid at that moment, the thirst for revenge and blood on her tongue needed slaking. It was the most consuming need she had ever felt; one that only killing could fill. She did not know either of her selves in that single moment

A calm, soul-gripping voice rang out. The Goddess spoke. "We have a winner. Hold, Yenay. Take heed of whose body is really under your boot. Do you want to prevent him from giving you more nieces or anephews one day?"

Rosa: A Wangxian Reincarnation StoryWhere stories live. Discover now