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"You're living like it all depends on you!" you yell, throwing your hands up in frustration.

"Yet, here you are! You keep crawling back! Here you are, down on your knees again, trying to find air to breath again!"

You knew he was saying metaphorically, he referenced to how you never had left like you had threatened to when he was acting this way. When he acted like a complete asshole. You always hated fighting with him because you could never find the right words to say, it always left you breathless and defeated. You were usually the one to surrender because you couldn't function without him.

But you also love the drama.

You love that he's never satisfied.

"Because I love you! You know I can't leave!"

He drops his hands at his side in a fit and turns to the wall, setting his forehead on the hard surface. He close his eyes and sighs loudly in frustration.

"You're right where I want you to be again."

"What do you mean?" you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.

"I don't want you to go, ever. Whenever you threaten to, I get so scared. Even though I know you won't go, I still get scared." he sighs.

You walk over and touch the back of his neck softly, causing him to turn around and look at you. You take his cheeks in your hands and look up at him. His eyes have a hint of pink in them from his urges to cry, but stopping himself. He always tries to protect his manly image.

"See and believe that I won't leave you." you say, then pulling him close to you in a tight embrace.



I know it kind of sucks, sorry.

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