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"Hey, you look great." Joe says nervously, pushing his gelled down hair back.

"Thanks, I like your..." you take in his suit, consisting of a tweed jacket and brown pants, gagging a little inside. "Hair."

He laughs.

"Sorry, it's a hand me down from my dad, I don't want to let him down." he shrugs and looks at the ground.

"It certainly is, noticeable. I admire your courage to wear that."

He laughs along with you and takes your hand, getting ready to walk though the double doors to prom.

"You're definitely going to outshine me." he whispers, pecking your cheek.


You had agreed to go with Pete to prom just so he would stop bugging you about it every day. In first period, fourth, and lunch, he'd make it his civic duty to take you to prom. The night he came to your house, dressed in a beige suit and his large black framed glasses, you sighed. You just wanted to get this night over with.

"I'm so glad you finally said yes." Pete marveled at you in your dress while pinning the corsage on you carefully.

"I kind of had no choice, since you set my lawn on fire and all."

"Sorry about that, I was trying to spell prom." he snorted nervously.

When he finally pinned the dreaded flower on you, he took off his glasses to wipe them off on his sleeve. You looked at what you had never noticed was hiding behind those glasses before, Pete was handsome. He went to put his glasses back on, but you took them and stuffed them in your purse, he looked at you innocently and held his arm out for you.

"M'lady." he spoke, smiling at you.

You took it with a small smile on your face and kissed the corner of his lips before walking inside.


You sat alone on the bleachers, you had been stood up by your date and now waited hopefully for your friend to show up. She never did. While you sat, drinking punch from the red cup in your hands you noticed a boy sitting a few feet away from you. You looked at the book in his hands, the title read To Kill A Mockingbird, your favourite book.

You smiled at the fact that you weren't alone, he had no date either.

"Hey." you say, scooting closer to him.

He looks up and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his mouth slightly agape.


"That's my favourite book." you say with a shy smile.

"Mine too."

You sit in awkward silence for a while before he closes the book and sets it beside him.

"Wanna dance?" you as him setting down your cup.

He smiles slightly and you both stand up, waking over to dance floor and earning looks from others. They mutter things like 'those freaks are made for each other." But you ignore it.


While your talking to your friends over by the buffet table, you hear a commotion on the dance floor.

"Fight!" someone yells.

You run over and push through the crowd, then see a short chubby guy being pushed around in a circle. His glasses fly off and hit the ground, then you watch your asshole brother step on them, you hear the cracking and push through the people in front of you.

"Fuck you Derek!" you say to your brother.

People in the crowd laugh and he crosses his arms. You walk over and grab the disoriented boy buy his arm and pull him towards you.

"Move out of my way and continue on with your pathetic lives." you yell to the crowd as they part for you.

You walk back over to your friends and finally let go of the boy.

"What's your name?" you ask him.

He sniffle and answers. "Patrick."

Your heart breaks as you watch him wipe a tear away from his eye and you touch his hand.

"Well Patrick, would you like to dance with me?"

He looks up, astonished.

"You won't push me around too?"

"Trust me, I don't need to be like them, I have a life." you say, earning a smile from him.

You smile warmly back and grab his hand, leading him to the center of the dancefloor. You wrap your arms around his neck and feel his hands touch your sides. You move slowly with him and ignore the stares from others.

Fall Out Boy PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now