New Book ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ

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Hola mishamigos/gas. I've got a new book out called 'Killjoys, Make Some Noise' and it is an MCR fanfic. It stars characters based off me, my best friend, and one of my old friends that I don't really talk to anymore which sucks but I was too lazy to change the personality.

Anywhore, here's the first chapter. Tell me what you think?



"Hey guys! Where's the Power Pup?" I yell.

"I think we already finished it off." Kerosene says, peeking out of the doorway.

"Then we have to make a trip to the store, have any extra carbons?"

"Not many."

I rolls my eyes and snatch one of the last bottles of water next to me. Kerosene walks in and stretches her arms, having just woken up. As she steps, the floorboards squeak beneath her sock covered feet.

"We really need to find a new place to stay, one that's not a complete shit hole." she groans, stealing the bottle of water in my hand.

I don't argue because it's true, we've been staying in an old house in Zone Three we found a while away from Battery City, after walking for days to find it. We've been living here since BL/Ind first took over, somewhere around eight, almost nine years now. At first, the house was sturdy with a nice exterior look, but it drew attention so we tried to camofliuge it with mud and tree leaves. Long story short, we tried to make it look ugly and worn down, and now it really was.

It was a place we could call relatively safe, under the circumstances.

Last month, there was a storm that hit us. High winds, sideways rain, nothing you would expect from the desert. Kerosene had this theory that it was BL/Ind's doing, like they had built something to generate weather, to wipe out the Killjoys. Our friend Siren and I quickly dismissed the idea, not because it wasn't reasonable, it was, we just didn't want to believe that they were that advanced. The storm tore up part of the house. More than part, it ripped off an entire wall, which we attempted to fix.


We tore wood from the floorboards and attic to build what we aimed for, but ended up with half of a wall, falling apart at the seams. The windows are shattered from the storm, which ended up giving Siren a nasty cut on her outer left forearm, that is now a scar. The wall insulation has been shredded to bits over the years, falling into our mouths and choking us occasionally while we sleep. This gives us rotting wood and cold, harsh nights.

"We could check out some farther zones." I say, earning a nod from her.

"Alright, tell Siren to get her ass up then." she mumbles, pulling her lavender hair back.

I half jog to Siren's room, and knock on the door. She doesn't answer so I open it, only to see her sprawled across the mattress, the blanket piled at her feet. I roll my eyes and grab her bright jacket beside my feet where I stand, and throw it at her face. She wakes with a jolt, turning on her side to face me.


"Get up, we're going house hunting." I say, then exit back down the hall.

When I walk back into what used to be the living room, Kerosene is fully dressed in her faded blue shorts and a black tank top, her bright red jacket is covering her shoulders. The red ray gun she cherishes pokes out from her utility belt and she walks over to the couch to tie her red converse. Her short lavender hair is pulled up in a small, pixie like ponytail, no more than two inches from the rubber band. When she stands, I notice she's wearing her signature black war paint on her cheeks, in two streaks for each side.

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