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You waited on the tour bus for FOB's concert to be over. Its not that you don't like their music, but concerts just aren't your thing. You hate all the screaming and shoving and sweaty strangers near you, so you avoid the whole thing. You currently sit in the booth by the window, reading.

Your friend had mentioned a book called 50 Shades of Grey to you once before. She never told you what it was about, so you thought it was about the colour. You decided to buy and read it in your free time, but you were barely on the twentieth page and it just talked about some girl named Anastasia.

You heard the bus door open and Andy, Pete, Patrick, and Joe piled in, talking over one another. Things go quiet and they all stare at you, Pete is the first one to break into a fit of laughter. Joe and Patrick follow while Andy sits next to you. He whispers to you what the book is about and you throw it at the wall, making him laugh as well.

"How could you not know?" Pete asks, walking to the back of the bus.

"Because I'm not a pervert!"

They all laugh again and Andy wraps his arms around you, chuckling at the same time. You feel offended but you know these guys love you just as much as Andy and don't mean to make you feel bad. Once everyone starts settling down, you and Andy stay up to spend time together. You haven't really had time to just talk in a while, you had just started dating a few months ago.

While the others sleep, you tell Andy a lot about yourself, some things not even your best friends know. He tells you everything he can think of about himself. By the time its one in the morning, you're feeling tired and Andy gives you his tour bed. Before walking off to sleep on the couch, he cups your cheek and touches his lips to yours gently.

After he walks out, Patrick's head pops out from the bed above yours through your curtains and he makes kissy faces at you. He gets so into it that he ends up falling from his bed onto the floor with a thud. He whines in pain as you hold back your laughter.

"Ha!" Pete yells.


Imagine Patrick as Spiderman tho...

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