Why You Breakup

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He doesn't seem to care anymore. Lately, he's been paying less and less attention to you and more to his phone. When you ask him something, he'll answer in one word or short sentences. You sit down with him and talk, you both decide to part ways.


He doesn't spend time with you anymore. You know he can't help it that he travels and works so hard, you know he deserves more than he gets. But it gets hard for you too when you aren't able to give him all the affection he needs and deserves. You talk to him one day when he's home and you both end up in tears, with him promising to try harder.


He's too protective. He's shown this side before, the side that wants no other guy to so much as look at you without wanting to beat him to a pulp. You decide that the controlling is too much for you and you break it off with him, but only a week later is he on your doorstep with a truck of roses.


You guys wouldn't break up, you'd live happily ever after and ride off into the sunset on Mikey's pet unicorn.

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