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Nevaeh pov

Have you ever felt what it was like to lose a parent? News flash people, it's the worst fucking thing in the world. No matter if you have a bad or good relationship with your parents it's still the worst feeling in the world. Now did I have the best relationship with my parents? No, but our relationship wasn't terrible. let me tell you it wasn't the best to have the police coming to your door telling you that your parents passed away from a tragic car accident and since I was only 14 at the time I had to move out of that house and leave everything else behind. After having to unfortunately move out of my house I was of course homeless and had to find somewhere else to live. They ended up putting me with this nice lady who I call my new mom but what I didn't know was that mom already had other kids living with her and when I say other kids I mean girls. Yup, I live in a house full of girls who are mostly stuck-up bitches, I mean not all of them are stuck up only three of them are. You got Stephany who thinks she can tell everyone what to do just because she is technically older than us. Then you have Hazel, one out of the two who follows Stephany around like a lost puppy. Then you have Evelyn who sometimes concerns me because of the things this girl does. I'm not going to list them but just know it is bad. You have my somewhat favorite person Aubrey. She is the fun one not afraid to put a bitch in her place that is kind of where I get my antics from but she's that bitch. Lastly, you have faith she's the quiet one who keeps to herself and doesn't like to be around people but she is cool or whatever.

Now let's get into my school. I'm not going to lie, it's not the best just because I get bullied by the one and only Mateo Davis, the popular football player at our school. He thinks just because his family invested in this school means he can treat people however he wants. Now I know you guys are going to ask how this all started. Well, let's start from the beginning. Me and Mateo use to be friends in middle school. We would always hang out, talk and text all the time. until it was 9th grade, our first day of high school. Mateo did become a different person, his personality was different, he looked so much better than he did in middle school, and he became muscular. When he decided to join the football team that's when me and his friendship started to tear apart. He would often hang out with his football friends more than me, he wouldn't pick up my text or calls anymore, and he put girls over me. My final straw was when we were at the homecoming dance and he decided to pour the bucket of punch on me. The excuse he gave me was that it was just a joke and he was dared to do it. What hurt me the most was when he said that I didn't look that good anyway. After that, me and his friendship was over, no more of us. When I cut off our friendship he didn't seem to care that much at all. He seemed to want to make his friends laugh a lot which meant embarrassing me more. Now all I have to say is FUCK MATEO DAVIS.

Now here I am a senior. My last year of high school so I can get out of here and be as far away from these people as possible.


8:00 Am

Oh god, it's time for me to get up for school. I get up, make my bed and walk into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Can't forget to shower kids. And throw on my outfit for the day.

I walk downstairs and see everyone sitting at the table eating

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I walk downstairs and see everyone sitting at the table eating.

"Oh look who came down the dork of the century." The girl I think her name is Stephanny but I can't remember

"Who still calls people dorks, what is this 1990s?" I say and roll my eyes

"Whatever, at least I have friends. Well, normal friends." She says

"What does that even have to do with anything?" I say

"Oh nothing, I just have to make it known. Everyone in this house has at least a boyfriend or some decent friends and you, well I don't know how to describe you." She says

"Well guess what, I don't care to have a boyfriend because men suck and I have friends I just don't have ones who will kiss my ass all day," I say

As you can see I always win every argument she tries to start with me because she thinks that she can just boss everyone around. Well, news flash bitch I am not the one to do that with. Where do I get these thoughts from?

"Okay girls, it's about time to go so hurry up and get out that door." Mother says

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys since all of us live under her roof and she is technically our caregiver we have to call her mom to make her feel like an actual mom since she can't have kids of her own that's why she started this take in teenage girls thing. Did I mention she is rich so all of us live in a big ass house and all have our own rooms which is why I said my bathroom. Anyways back to the story.

"Also let this be a great year. All of you are seniors so no slacking around got that." She says

"Yes mother." We all say as a union

"Great. Love you girls, have a great day." Mother says as we all leave to get to our cars.

I get in my car and start to drive to school. Once I pull up I hope that this will be a good year and no one will fuck with me. Well, that hope was up when the main person I hope wasn't here was here.

"Valentine, where you going?" I hear the most annoying voice in the world say

"What do you want Mateo?" I say

"Looks like someone has grown some balls over the summer. Hey, nice to meet you, what's your name?" Mateo says and his friends laugh

As if he's not here I walk off and go to class thanking god that I finally made it to class and get some peace and quiet. But that didn't last long once the person I did not want to see again walk through the door

"Davis you're late." The teacher says

"Sorry teacher, I had to do something before class can you loosen up a bit," Mateo says

"Fine but do it again and that's going to be detention. Mr. Davis." The teacher says

As I'm looking up at the board. I hear the seat next to me being pulled out and guess who it's Mateo fucking Davis how amazing

"Hey, Valentine,  you I'm not going to lie you became a little cute over the summer." He says

What the hell did he just say? Did he just call me cute? No no, I was just hearing things, right?

"Did you just call me cute?" I say

"I sure did valentine." He says with a smirk

I think this year is going to be quite weird if you ask me.

Authors note







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