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Naveah pov

"I'm not going," I say and pull the cover over my head

"Yes the fuck you are," Aubrey says and pulls it down

"You can't force me to go somewhere I don't want to go," I say looking up at her

"Well I am now so get your ass up so we can go make this flight," she says and walks out of my room

I get up and make my bed and- you know the whole damn routine on what I do to get ready, no point on explaining that part from now on.

"Naveah, are you ready?" Aubrey ask from downstairs

"Yes, I'm coming," I say

I never told you guys who are coming. Well, it's going to be me, Stephany, Mateo, Greyson, Jonah, Aubrey, Faith, Hazel, and Evelyn. See what I'm saying, people I don't like, well except for Aubrey and Faith.

"Bitch hurry the fuck up, the jet is not going to be waiting for us much longer," Aubrey says

"Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming," I say as I walk downstairs with my suitcase in my hands

"Finally, what took your ass so long to get down here?" she says

"Me not wanting to go in the first place," I say

"Well you're going Debbie downer so let's go, the jet isn't going to wait any longer," she says

"Jet? Why the hell do y'all need a jet to just go to Miami." I say

"I don't know ask Stephanny, Mateo, Greyson, Jonah, Evelyn, and Hazel why they need a jet just to go to Miami," she says

"You just named all the boujee bitches." I say

"Yeah so get the idea on whose idea it was," she says as we walk outside and put our bags in the trunk and get into the car.

"So, how are you and Mateo going?" she ask

"What are you talking about?" I say

"Naveah I'm not stupid. I know something is going on with you two," she says

"There's nothing serious going on with us, We haven't spoken to each other in 4 weeks," I say

"Is that why I had to drag you out of the bed this morning and make you get ready for the trip," she says

"That's part of the reason," I say

"Look Naveah don't let that ugly fuck ruin your vacation, just fake like he's not even there and I promise you it will be the best vacation ever for you," she says

"Okay," I say

We finally pull up to the plane and get out of the car. As we walk onto the plane everyone looks up at us and the first person I make eye contact with is Mateo.

"Finally, you guys took forever to get here," Greyson says

"Sorry, we had a little fight to get her here," Aubrey says and I roll my eyes and sit on the seat by the window

"Well glad you joined us," Stephanny says. I roll my eyes at her comment.

I pull out my computer and decide to watch a show. Saved by the bell, not the reboot but the old version. I don't know what's up with people who keep touching old shows but they need to stop that shit.

"Hey." I hear

I look up to see it's Mateo standing in front of me. Why I don't know.

"You're talking to me?" I say pointing to me

"Yes, you're the only one sitting back here." He says

"What do you need?" I say

"Nothing, I just want to talk to you because I haven't spoken to you in 4 weeks and I don't want it to be awkward between us while we're on this trip." He says

"Only thing that will make it awkward between us is thinking about it and bringing it up," I say

"Right," he says

We sit in awkward silence until he decides he wants to speak to me again.

"What are you watching?" 

"Saved by the bell," I say

"I'm assuming you're watching the original one," he says

"Yes I am actually," I say

"Wasn't that the show me and you started the night I came in your room and asked if I could hang out with you and we ended up falling asleep." He says smiling

"Yes, it was that night," I say smiling

"The first time we talked again." He says

"Yeah," I say

"Look Naveah the only reason I didn't reach out to you was because I wanted to give you your space. I think me and you were rushing and I want to take it slow." He says

"I want to take it slow also but us trying to do this right now isn't the best time. How about we just let this moving slow lead us to." I say

"Yeah, we can always do that too." He says

We sit there for a few more minutes until the damn blabber mouth speaks again.

"Can I watch the show with you?" He ask

"Sure but you do know me and you are going to be pretty close to each other right," I say

"Yeah, I know." He says smirking

He sits beside me and puts my head on his chest as we watch the show together. My eyes start to close and that's when I fall into a deep slumber.

Authors note:

It is 10:48 PM and I just wrote this chapter while trying to watch Euphoria

Hope you enjoy this chapter

What do you guys think is going to happen on the trip?



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