Who Is This

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Naveah pov

Day 4 in Miami and let's just say that it's been pretty fun hanging out with Josiah and his friends. They take me to all the best spots they know I would have fun at and let's just say it feels nice to be going to these places and not feeling like I'm showing off my wealth. Me and Josiah have been becoming close in these 4 days of knowing each other. I'm starting to develop feelings for him and I'm not going to stop them. Right now I'm just sitting outside talking with Josiah while he smokes.

"I didn't know you smoked." I say

"Yeah I do but I don't do it all the time." He says

"Mmm." I say

"So have you been enjoying your time with us?" He ask

"Yeah." I say

"Hope your friends don't think we're trying to take you away from them." He says while blowing out smoke and putting his hand towards me but I shake my head no

"If they really cared so much I don't think they would have left me from day one." I say

"I would like to meet them some time." He says

"You can do it today if you want, when I was leaving to go with you I heard them say that they were going to stay in." I say

"Well let's go do that." He says

We get up to walk into the house to go grab our stuff but were stopped when we heard voices.

"Where are y'all going?" Serenity ask

"She's taking me to go meet her friends." Josiah says

"Oooh can we come. I want to see these bougie bitches." Brianna says walking into the room

"Sure if you guys want." I say

What felt like forever for them to get ready they finally were ready and we all drove back to the house I was staying at. As we reached the gate I became nervous for some reason. I don't know why but maybe it's because Mateo and Josiah are about to meet.

Girl why do you care about what Mateo thinks about Josiah.

Your right

Honey I'm always right

Where did you come from?

Baby I've always been here. It's just sometimes the things you do is just concerning so before you do anything else stupid I'm here.

Mmmmm great.

"Damn Naveah y'all living real luxury." Brianna says

"Yeah girl I know you said you were from California and at first I was thinking you were from Compton but bitch it's giving Malibu." Serenity says

"I actually live in Calabasas." I say and they all look at me

"Like that makes your case any better." Aaliyah says

"What the hell are y'all millionaires?" Zaire says

"Our parents are yes." I say as I unlock the door and we all walk in the house

"BITCHHHH ARE THOSE MARBLE FLOORS?" Brianna says yelling at me

"Yes." I say

"Even the couches look expensive. Girl you should have given us a heads up with this one." Aaliyah says as footsteps start coming towards us

"Naveah are you okay out here?" Stephanny ask

"Yup." I say

"Who are these people?" She ask with an attitude and a disgusted face

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