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8 years later...

Naveah pov

"Kids get your butts down here now." I yell. I hear three footsteps running down the stairs.

Okay, let me catch you up. So me and Mateo went to UCLA which I told y'all last chapter. After we graduated from college I found out I was pregnant right after but I wasn't pregnant with just one child I was pregnant with three babies. One girl and two boys. First I gave birth to Messiah who looks like a spitting image of Mateo now. Then Milo came out and he's more of a quiet person who doesn't like to be bothered by anyone. Lastly is my baby girl Maya. She's a troublemaker and has an attitude on her and I don't even want to speak to her anymore. Mateo plays for the rams now he got drafted right after college and he has been playing with them ever since. Now I became a divorce lawyer and I never thought I would but I did and let's just say if Mateo thinks he's ever going to pull some shit with me he will be a dead man.

Now Stephany after college she became a famous Model she has modeled for all these brands and I am so proud of her. She's married to a man who is very rich and owns a lot of companies all over the world. She's trying for a baby right now but that's all I know.

Evelyn became an actress which she is good at which is impressive. She is dating her co-star which I told her not to do but she said it was love at first sight so I guess.

Hazel never went to college and it turns out that she was pregnant during graduation and now she and that man are married and have 4 beautiful children. She's a stay-at-home mom and he owns companies too.

Let's move on to my favorite person Aubrey. She is an artist. She has a band with her fiance which is a very popular group and right now they're on tour so that's good.

Lastly Faith, she became an author and is married to some guy that I know nothing about but at least she's happy.

Now Jonah and Greyson are both married too and have sons that were born around the same time as we had our triplets. Jonah's son is named Vincent. He's a little charmer. I can tell Maya has a crush on him but he turns that down because you know that's his best friend's sister. Then Rowan is Greyson's son, he and Maya get along well but he's more of Milo's best friend.

Lastly mom I hate to say this but mom unfortunately passed away last year from cancer. It was hard on all of us but we managed to get through it.

"Hi mom." My three beautiful children say

"Who made this big ol mess in the living room?" I ask

"Not me." My 3 guilty children say

"You guys know you can't toys all over the place or someone is going to hurt themselves." I say

"Sorry mommy." They say

"It's okay."

I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards this way until I heard a yell.

"Ow what the fuck." A very angry man says

The kids run away and Mateo runs into the room.

"Which one of them left that right there."

"All 3 of your beautiful children." I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Well, hopefully this 4th one isn't like them." Mateo says kissing my noticeable baby bump. Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm pregnant. Yup and this one is a girl also which makes us feel like we are complete.

"They are good kids but they just act like you."

"I did not act like them as a child." He says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, you did."

"If you say so honey."

The doorbell rings and Mateo goes to open it and a very excited Greyson comes into view.

"Naveah! My most favorite person in the world." He says

"What about your wife and son?" I ask

"Yeah what about us?"

"Yeah them too." He says

Jonah comes around the corner with his girlfriend.

"Hi Naveah." She says going for a hug until she notices my belly.

"When did that get there?" Jonah ask

"Oh, I don't know 5 months ago." I say

"Jesus you guys and kids need to slow down." Greyson says

"Oh trust me this is our last one." I say

"Oh damn, I thought we were having two more." Mateo says pouting

"Mateo no. my vagina can't handle this no more this is the last one." I say

"Fine, I guess."

The doorbell rings again and I go to open it to see Stephany and her husband and Evelyn.

"Oh hey guys." I say

"When did that get there?" she says pointing at my stomach

"5 months ago." I say

"I'm going to kill him for getting you pregnant again." She says storming into the house. I greet her husband and Evelyn and close the door.

"You got my sister pregnant again, ass hole." Stephany yells at Mateo

"It takes two to mingle." Mateo says

"Yeah but it takes your sperm to create the baby." Stephany argues back

"Well, Naveah didn't complain about it." He looks over and winks at me

"It's okay because this is our last one." I say

"Where are my niece and nephews?" Evelyn says

"Auntie!" My bad kids yell running into the room

"Hi you guys, how have you been?" She asks

"Bad." I mutter

The doorbell rings again and I get up to go answer it. I open it to see who it is and it's Aubrey, her fiance, Hazel and her kids, and Faith and her fiance standing at the door.

"Oh hey." I say

"Hey Naveah and her very pregnant belly." Aubrey says hugging me

"I thought y'all were on tour." I say confused

"Yeah, and one of our shows is up here so we came to say hello." Aubrey says

"Auntie, where are your kids?" Evelyn kids ask

"In the living room." I say they run to the living room

"Hey Evelyn, how are you?" I ask hugging her

"Good. These kids are stressful." She says

"See that's why I don't have any." Aubrey says me and Evelyn laugh

We all sit and chat and the kids run around outside. It becomes night time and we all bid goodbyes and put the kids to sleep. Now it's just me and Mateo.

"It was nice to see all of the family." Mateo says

"Yeah it was."

"I'm glad I kept you in my life." He kisses the top of my head

"I'm glad too."

"Love you forever Naveah."

"Love you forever Mateo."

Authors Note:

Welp this is the end of Mateo and Naveah's story but.... Not the end of the Davis Family

I am writing a sequel to this story called Hidden Secrets which is about their daughter. That will be out probably today but I won't be putting out any chapters until later on this week.

Well, I'm going to go cry now.





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