The party

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Naveah pov

I arrive home and park in the garage. As I walk through the doors of the house my phone rings.

"hey Naveah," Leah says in a weird tone

"Hey girl. You okay?" I say

"Yeah, I'm fine girl." She says

"What is it Leah?" I say

"What are you talking about? I'm fine." She says

"No you're not, you have this weird tone in your voice that sounds like you want to ask me something but you're too scared to," I say

"Fine, you caught me. I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party tonight with us." She says

"What party and who's throwing this party?" I say

"You know Greyson, Mateo's friend, he's throwing the party." She says

"yeah no I'm not going." I say

"Naveah please, you never have fun. You just sit in the house and watch movies in the dark all day." She says

"No, I don't. I have fun just not when y'all are around." I say

"please just come to the party for me please." She says

"Fine but since you're dragging me to this party you're coming to get me," I say

"I was coming over to your house anyway. You can't dress for shit." She says

"I can dress, I just don't dress like every other girl on this planet which makes me different." I say

"your right babes but you're wearing a dress to this party." She says

"Oh hell no. I'm not wearing a dress." I say

"Yes you are and it's going to be a bright color. Not one of those basic ass colors like black." She says

"Fine, what time does this party start?" I say

"10:00 so take your nap now because we're about to party." She says

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I decide it's best for me to take a nap or I'm not going to be able to survive an hour at that party.

8:00 PM

Time to get up to get ready for this stupid party I wasn't even invited to but then again a lot of parties have unexpected guests.

I decided to finally get up and take a shower. Once I get out of the shower I hear the doorbell ring and walk downstairs in a robe.

"Hey- ooooh girl what's under that robe," Leah says

"Can we hurry up and get this over with," I say

"Dang girl, where's your good energy at?" She says

"I could have it if I was still asleep," I say

"Oh so boring spending your Friday nights in the house," she says

"I wasn't even invited," I say

"Naveah half of the damn people that are going to be at that party were most likely not invited." She says

Damn, she has a point. Oh god I hate this. As we walk upstairs I start to get a bad feeling like something is going to happen tonight at that party.

"What if something happens?" I say

"Nothing is going to happen because you're going to have me, Naomi, and Noah." She says

"Like that makes anything better," I say

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