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Naveah pov

Wednesday morning

Who the fuck made school a thing?

Like I don't understand, you have to come here and sit here and listen to these teachers speak for hours and they want to give you these tests on shit you just learned a week ago. Trust me if I had the option to drop out I would have done it once I stepped into this school but since I promised mama( biological and foster mother) that I would graduate high school without any things in my way it was obvious that I had to stay in school to keep that but I don't know how long I can keep that promise. Here I am in math class hearing this teacher blabber about how they want us to take some random ass quiz to see what we know.

"This quiz isn't a grade, it's just to let me see what you already know." The teacher says

Why is senior year doing this to me already and what makes it even worse is that the people I dread the most in this world are in my class, not only this class but mostly all of them. Jackson and his friends and then you got all my foster "sisters" but the only class I don't have with Jackson Is English but other than that torture. I just don't understand why they put us all in the same classes with each other like it's bad enough I have to see them at home but at school, it is too much. What puts the cherry on top is that Jackson doesn't sit by his friends or on the side of the classroom that seems normal for him; he sits right beside me.

"Hey, valentine." The idiot says besides me

"What do you want?" I say

"So what did you do over the summer?" He says

"Got fucked." I say and look at him with a smile

What I said was true. Your girl over here was messing around with a guy that she met at the club. I know you guys are probably going to ask what his age was, well little do you know he was 20 I told him I was 18 and he doesn't have a problem with a 2 year age difference neither do I so we want on ahead. No, I wasn't drunk neither was he so now can we get back to the story no more questions.

"Wow, you're finally bold for once." He says

"Shut up and do your work," I say

The bell finally decides to ring and I get up and pack my stuff. Once I walk out of the classroom I get a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Stephany(one of her foster sisters. I'll tell y'all their names at the end)

"What do you need?" I say

"I saw you talking to Jackson." She says

"First of all he was talking to me and why does that matter?"

"Well, I just want to let you know that you will never have a chance with him so back off. Okay."

With that, she walks away. Why the hell does she think I'm going to date someone who bullied me for years and is just not attractive at all. Shaking those thoughts off I continue walking to my next class but then I realize I have to deal with them in this class too. As I'm walking in class—

"You're late." the teacher says

"I was only late by two minutes. Why does it matter so much." I say

"Because you should be in class on time not doing whatever you are doing in the hallways," she says

"Well maybe if these people in the hallways would walk like they have to go somewhere I would be to class on time," I say getting annoyed

"Are you giving me attitude Ms. valentine?" She says

"I'm not giving you an attitude, I'm just talking how I talk to everyone else. Just because you're a teacher doesn't mean I'm going to change the way I talk just for you." I say

"That's it valentine principal office now," she says angrily

"Perfect, I don't like this class anyway," I say turning around and walking out of the classroom.

I walk to the principal office and knock on his door.

"Heyyyy I'm back," I say excitedly

"What did you do this year to get put out of class?" He asks

"Well, I walked into class two minutes late because my dearest foster sister Stephany decided it would be best to talk to me so I was late," I say

"Did you tell her this?" He says

"Of course I did but apparently I was giving her attitude so she put me out but I don't know how I was giving home girl attitude if this is my normal voice," I say

"Naveah you get into it with one of your teachers every year." He says

"That's because these teachers just don't like me for some reason and I don't know why," I say

"Look Naveah you do know that we are going to have to call your mom." He says

"No no no no you can do anything but call my mom, I promised her that I would have a good year," I say

"Fine, I will just tell your counselor to switch you out of that English class." He says

"Yes, do that, that will be perfect," I say

"Okay I just sent her an email and she is making you a new schedule so go to her to get it and Naveah please promise that tomorrow will be a better day." He says

"I can never promise you that because you never know what tomorrow can hold. Bye, Mr. sir." I walk out of the principal office and start walking towards the counseling office until I see the most disgusting thing in the world.

Jackson peters and Stephany kissing.

What the actual fuck

Authors Note

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Oh I forgot

Naveah's foster sisters' names are

Stephany(the bitch), Hazel(minion), Evelyn(minion), Aubrey(somewhat weird but fun), Faith(the quiet one)

And yeah that's all of the girls

Hopefully, I'll remember these names but um yeah

Have a nice night


Word count 1024


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