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 Mateo pov

We finally went back home after being in Miami for 5 days. I know you're going to ask why we didn't stay there for a whole week. Well, let's just say everyone was bored and tired of being there so we just left and went back home. Me and Naveah also talked it out that day we had got into that little scuffle with whatever his name is and now we're back on good terms. I'm a little nervous right now because I'm on my way to Naveah's house to ask her if she wants to go on a date with me tonight. Look I know I haven't been the most liked person in the world but trust me I still have feelings for Naveah and seeing her with that guy hurt me and made me realize that I really need to get my stuff together.

I get out of my car and knock on their door and it reveals Aubrey.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asks

"I'm looking for Naveah." I say

"Oh, she's in the kitchen like always." She says and I laugh. Naveah and her food

I walk into the house and walk towards the kitchen to see Naveah bent over looking in the fridge. So I decided to sneak up on her.

"You fucking ass hole." She says and I laugh at her

"That's not funny." She says crossing her arms over her chest

"I know I'm sorry I had to get your attention somehow," I say pulling her towards me

"Any way else could have been better." She says putting her arms around my neck

"I know but I have to ask you something let's go to the living room to talk.'' I say picking her up and taking us to the living room

We walk to the living and I put her down on the couch and sit down. She gets up and sits on my lap.

"So what is it that you want to ask me?"

"I- um was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

Naveah pov

Ummm are you going to answer him or are we just going to sit here?

I'm trying to process his question

I still feel like we forgave him a little too quickly

It's my choice

Well I think your choice is stupid just because y'all gave each other a little licky lick doesn't mean anything

Shut up

"Naveah are you okay?" Mateo ask

"Yeah I'm fine, it just took me a while to process that." I say

"You don't have to give me an answer right now." He says

"I have my answer and it's going to be yes." I say

"Great, be ready by 8:00 please." He says and picks me up and walks off

Looks like we're going on a date tonight

I don't want to be apart of this I'm leaving for the day

You can't really leave

Fine I'm not talking for the rest of the day

Okay that's fine with me

I walk upstairs and decide to take a little nap so I can have some energy for tonight.

5 hours later.....


I have to get ready for this date. I rush out of the bed and– you know what I don't have to explain this to yall. I finally get out of the bathroom and walk to the closet. I don't know what to wear.

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