Christmas Eve Party

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So the book is slowly about to come to an end so I am going to be skipping time a tad bit.

Christmas eve

Naveah pov

It's Christmas Eve and today is the day that Mateo's parents are throwing their massive Christmas party that they do every year and let's just say each year most definitely topped each other. Me and Mateo are on our way back to his house after doing some late Christmas shopping.

"So are you ready for tonight?" He asks


"Do you want to stay at my place and get ready since you have your dress?" He asks

"Yeah." I say

"Naveah, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why you ask."

"Because you're giving me one-worded answers." He says

"Well I'm fine and I don't really know what to say so I say yeah." I say while playing with my fingers

"Are you nervous about tonight?" He asks grabbing my hand

"A tad bit. I keep getting this feeling and it's not a good one." I say as my anxiety starts to rise.

"Well don't worry about it because everything is going to be just fine." He says intertwining our fingers.

"Yeah of course." I say

"I heard Stephany is going to bring her mom tonight." Mateo says

"Really, I forgot her mom was still around." I say

"Yeah, plus she needed a plus one to be able to come so she thought her mom would be best so they could spend time with each other." Mateo says

"Well, that's nice."


We pull to his house and get out of the car and walk into his house.

"Mateo is that you?" Mateo's mom yell


"Is Naveah with you." She asks


"Perfect because I made some lunch." She says

"Okay, we're coming."

"Are you hungry?" Mateo ask

"Yeah, a little bit." I say

"Okay let's go." He says grabbing my hand as we walk to the dining room.

"Where is everyone?" Mateo ask as he's pulling out a chair for me

"I actually don't know but at least I have peace and quiet." She says


We eat and then decide to go upstairs and lay down for a bit until it's time to get ready.

"Want to watch a movie?" He ask

"Yeah sure."

We get into some comfortable clothes and get on the bed and cuddle. Mateo decides that he wants to be touchy a little bit in between but I told him not while his mom is here.

2 hours later....

We are now getting ready for the party and that funny feeling is coming back to me and I don't know why. I feel like something is going to happen tonight but I don't want to put that negative energy in the air.

Do you think we should just back out?

No that would be rude and I didn't spend all this money on this dress just to not show up.

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