Heart Break

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Naveah pov

It's the new year and now everything is starting to move fast. I ended up convincing Mateo to not beat up Josiah which was good. Mom is making us start to buy our prom dresses and plan a graduation outfit. Stephany is getting her prom dress custom made and she is making me get mine custom made because she said and I quote "you don't know how many people have tried on those damn dresses"  and snatched it out of my hand and pulled me out of the store. so we're talking to ladies who are going to make our dresses for prom. Me and Mateo decided to do royal blue. I know judge all you want but I wanted to do that color so suck it.

"Is this how you want it?" The lady showed me how she drew out my prom dress when I explained it.


"Damn girl you're going to look good." Stephany says from behind me.

"What does yours look like?" I ask. She shows me what the inspiration is going to be.

"Do you have a date?" I ask

"Yup, Anthony is taking me." She says

"Wow, that's good."

"Yeah. you and Mateo are going to look good together." She says. "Royal blue is your color."

We walk out the boutique's door, head to Stephany's car, and start driving home.

"So, have you and Mateo done the deed yet?" She ask

"Yeah, plenty of times." I say

"Damn you two are slick with it."

"That's because we don't do it when someone's home ." I say

"Smart I see."

We arrive at the house and get out of the car.

"We're back." Stephany yells

Mom comes from out of the kitchen and walks up to us.

"How did dressmaking go?" Mom ask

"We told the lady what designs we want and how we want it to look. She said it should be ready a week or two before our prom date." Stephany says

"Well, that's good. How much is it going to cost?"

"Mine is 1600 and Stephany's was 1800." I say

"Stephany, what type of prom dress are you getting?" Mom ask

"You will see mom."

"Okay." Mom says, shaking her head and walks back into the kitchen.

"You guys I'm going to head to Mateo's for a little bit since I haven't heard from him in two days." I say

"That's weird of him but okay."

I walk back out the door, get into my car, and start the drive to Mateo's house.  I finally arrive but I don't see his car anywhere so he must be out. I knock on the door and his mom opens it.

"Oh hey Naveah. What are you doing here?" Susan ask

"I'm looking for Mateo." I say

"Oh left out to go over to your house to see you." She says

"Oh okay. Thanks." I say turning around and going back to my car.

I finally get back home and I see Mateo's car in the driveway of my house. I get out and walk into my house.

"Naveah  is that you?" Mom ask

"Yeah." I say and see Mateo walkout from the kitchen with Mom.

"Hey." Mateo says

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