Family Dinner

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Two weeks later(on Christmas break)

Naveah pov

It is the week of Christmas break and the week I dread all the time. I can't stand Christmas just because I always think about what it would be like if my mom and dad were here. I know you guys are gonna be like your 18 get over it but for some reason, I can't.

"Mom, why couldn't we go out of town for Christmas break?" Stephany ask

"Because we do that every year, so we're changing it up this year." Mom says

"Fine I guess." Stephany says rolling her eyes

"Alright girls, help me get the Christmas stuff from the basement."

"Okay." Me and Aubrey say and get up and the other girls are still sitting down

"Girls I said can you help me get the stuff out of the basement and you're still sitting down." Mom says

"Sorry but no. I am not going down there." Evelyn says

"Fine, go buy some Christmas gifts and not for yourself because I will know if you did and be thoughtful when you buy the gifts." Mom says

"Okay." They say in a union

"Faith you coming?" Hazel ask

"Nope I'm good. I'm going to stay back with them and help." She says

"Suit yourself." Stephany says and walks out the door

We all walk down to the basement and grab the fake tree and all of the Ornaments. We start setting up everything and mom starts a conversation with us.

"So, anything special going on with y'all?" Mom ask trying to be cool which is making me cringe

"Not with us but Naveah does." Aubrey says

Great Aubrey throw me right under the bus. Why don't cha. Mom looks over towards me to speak.

"Well I'm dating Mateo." I say shyly

"The one who used to embarrass you in front of the whole school and I would have to sign you out because you were so embarrassed." Mom says

Right mom say it again. That ass wipe embarrassed the crap out of her and she with him.

Shut up

"Mom, he has changed and we are doing pretty good." I say

"If you say so honey." Mom says

What had felt like forever, we finished decorating the Christmas tree and put all the other ornaments back in the basement. I hear my phone ringing so I run to it and see who it is.

It's her little boyfriend




"Hey baby." I hear his voice say through the phone

"What you need calling at this fine hour." I say

"I can't call my girlfriend any time I want anymore." He says


"Wow Naveah I'm hurt." He says

"I'm just kidding, Mr. dramatic." I say laughing

"I actually called you because I wanted to know if you wanted to come to my family dinner tonight." He says

"Wow, they're having dinner today. I thought they normally do a Christmas party and that's it." I say

"They actually do a family dinner every year. I just don't have anyone to bring with me every year but now I do. He says making me blush

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