New boy

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Naveah pov

After me and Mateo talked a little in my room I officially decided that it was best for me to avoid Mateo as much as possible. That will start this week since it's a new week.

Monday morning:

Uhhhhh just another Monday where I have to go to this crappy ass school. Why can't I just graduate already so I can get out of here?

Deciding that it's time for me to get out of bed, I get up and go to the bathroom to start my day. Once I'm done with the bathroom I pick my outfit for the day

Yeah, this is it.

I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen to get some breakfast and see everyone at the table eating already.

"Oh hey Naveah," Aubrey says

"Hey," I say as I walk to the refrigerator to get yogurt.

"Oh Naveah, mom is going on a business trip for two weeks so that means I'm left in charge," Stephany says

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?" I say

"Well since I'm in charge that means you have to listen to me." She says "so no friends over after curfew."

"First off I don't care who left you in charge, second you can't tell me when I can and can't have my friends over because if these rules apply to me then they apply to everyone and y'all already broke that rule so if you will excuse me I have to get to school." I walk out of the kitchen and grab my keys and I'm out the door. I can't believe the nerve of that bit- girl to think that she is going to boss me around because mom is gone on a business trip and she's left in charge. We're all 18 so what's the point of even trying to do that.

"Hey Naveah," Naomi says

"Hey," I say

"Why do you seem so down?" Noah says

"I'm fine, I just don't want to be here," I say

"Tell me about it." All three of them say

We all decided to part ways and go to class. As I'm walking to my first period which is now math since my schedule changed, I see Mateo sitting down at his table with his friends so I sit at a random table by myself.

"Okay class, let's get started." The teacher says

As I'm sitting here actually listening to the teacher. Someone decides to throw a paper over my way. So being me I decided to open it and the paper said "I'm just letting you know that you're ugly and a regret." This is my life you guys I've been called weird, ugly, stupid, a regret, weird every damn thing in the book I'm used to it at this point. As the bell rings I hurry and pack up my stuff and leave the classroom as fast as I can. As I'm walking in the hallway I get pushed into the locker and all my stuff falls to the floor.

"Watch where you're going loser." Someone says

I don't know what I did to anyone today. I'm not in the mood to put my time and energy into telling someone off. So I just get on the floor and pick up all of my stuff but I kindly get help from a good-looking guy I have never seen around this school before.

"Oh, you don't have to help me," I say

"I'm not helping you out of sympathy, I'm helping out of the kindness of my heart." He says

"What's your name? I have never seen you around here before." I say

"My name is Anthony." He says with a bright smile. "What about you, pretty lady."

Wowzers you guys he called me pretty. How nice.

"My name is Naveah," I say cheerfully

"Well, what class do you have right now? Maybe I can walk you there." He says

"Oh um, science," I say

"That's great actually because I do too." He says

As we both get up he bends over and grabs my stuff off the ground. I would love to show him how I bend over. Oh lord have mercy that was very bad of me to say.

Once we reach class he opens the door and lets me walk In first and we find a seat in the back.

"So class we are going to be doing a lab today and you guys have the option of who you want to be your partner." She says "so go on and decide who you want to be your partner now and sit with them."

"looks like I already found my partner," Anthony says looking over at me.

"yeah," I say blushing. Oh god, what is this man doing to me?

"So you guys will put the liquid into the water and see if the water reacts any type of way to the chemical." The teacher says

"Okay so put two drops." He says and gets behind me to help me with the chemical.

Once we are done we write down what happened to the water and turn it in. As I sit back down I feel like someone is staring at me. So I look over and see Mateo staring at me with the deadliest stare I have ever seen him give someone. Luckily this is my last class because I can't deal with any more people's attitudes toward me.

The bell finally rings and I pack up my stuff and say bye to Anthony. Once I'm out of the building I walk to my car and see the person I've been dreading to talk to standing there. How did he get out here so fast?

"Why are you at my car?" I say

"Who was that guy you were talking to?" Mateo ask

"None of your business," I say

"Yes, it is because I've never seen him around before and you never know who he could be."

"Still none of your business. Now move out of my way so I can go home." I say

"Fine but stay away from him." Mateo walks off after that

Who does he think he is? My dad.

Authors note:

My damn fingers hurt.

Anyways help you enjoy this chapter

Have a nice day babes.

word count 1009


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