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Monday 10:00 AM

What the hell, how am I late to school? Did my alarm not go off? I get up and head straight to the bathroom and get ready for school. I have to get to school before the principal goes to his meeting which is at 10:16. Don't ask how I know his schedule, okay I just do. I walked downstairs and decided it was best for me to skip breakfast and just head straight for school. I get in my car and start my drive. I have 6 minutes to get there before he walks out of his office. I finally get there and I have 2 minutes to make it to class. I walk into school, grab my late pass, and speed walk to my class. I walk in and everyone turns their attention to me.

"Ms. Valentine, late yet again," she says

"Okay, but why do you have to announce it to everyone?" I say as I walk to a seat and sit down.

"Damn girl, why are you so late?" Leah ask

"I overslept."

Finally class came to an end and I packed up my stuff and left the classroom with Leah. We stopped by my locker so I can get some other things. Our other friends Naomi, Noah, and Emely walk towards us.

"Hey guys," I say

"Hey girl," Emely says

"Oh you guys rumor goes around that Stephany and Mateo are a thing but I don't know if that's true," Naomi says

"How did you find this out?" I ask

"I'm going, to be honest, one of the boys in my class just told me that they saw them go upstairs during a party and heard things," Naomi says

"Which is weird because I saw you two holding hands and him kissing on the cheek in front of everyone. So I hope he's not playing with your feelings because I will hurt that ass wipe." Emely says as we walk to the lunchroom and sit at our normal spot.

"Yeah well, l think this is a lesson learned to never believe when a guy says he's going to change for you." I look up and see Mateo staring at me. I roll my eyes and put my attention back on my friends.

"Naveah, you okay?" Leah says

"Uhhhh yeah I'm fine, just a little tired." I lie

"You do know we know when you're lying," Naomi says

"Fine you got me, Mateo is just so confusing sometimes," I say

"Girl you're trying to be with that fool," Leah says

"Is it bad that I want to be with him? One minute, I want to hate him so bad from the stuff he put me through, but then I want to forgive him." I ask

"Look, I'm not telling you not to be with him or like him, but remember all the stuff he put you through and everything he said. He was doing this when you were going through a tough time and he knew because it was all around the school when this was happening." Leah says

"I know but all those feelings I have for him are coming back up and I don't know what he's doing to me but I haven't been feeling confident lately," I say

"Yeah girl, he most definitely changed you because you were on his ass the first two weeks of school," Naomi says

"Yeah girl, Don't let him change that because turning back into the old you is showing him that he can get whatever he wants out of you easily," Emely says

"You're right. Well, I'm going to head to the library to finish some things. Bye guys " I get up with my stuff and walk out of the lunchroom.

I walk into the library and sit my stuff down on the table and start looking at the books. As I'm looking around I feel a pair of hands squeeze my hips.

"Hi." I look back and see a smiling Mateo

"Hi." I take his hands off of me and walk to another book section

"You okay?" He asks

"Mateo, can we not act fake right now," I say

"What do you mean act fake?"

I grab my things off the table and go to check out my book. I walk out of the library and still hear someone following me.

"Naveah, I asked you something." He says grabbing my arm.

"And I ignored you." I turn around and look him in the face.

"Why are you ignoring me? I thought we were working on ourselves so we can be together." He says

"Look Mateo I do want to change for each other so we can be something but I can't let you sit around and play with my feelings," I say

"Playing with your feelings. What do you mean?"

"So you hooking up with Stephany isn't playing with my feelings because I thought we said that we weren't going to mess around with other people," I say

"I understand that Naveah but we're not together so why do you care if I'm hooking up with your Stephany or not?" He says

"Wow, Mateo I should have known you were a lie once you said you were going to change for me. Have a good life, Mateo." I walk away and go to sit in my next period.

The rest of the day dragged on and now it was the last period of the day. Glad school is almost over now because I can't deal with this day. Then the bad part about today is that Anthony isn't here today so I'm going to be science alone. Fucking great. I walk in and sit at my normal spot. Mateo walks in and comes over and sits right next to me.

"Why are you sitting here?"

"I can see the board better from this angle." He says. I look away from him and try to pay attention for the last few minutes of class.

The bell rings and I pack up my stuff and walk out of the classroom to the front doors of the school. I walk to my car and get in. once I get home I go straight to my room and lay down. I end up falling asleep.

3 hours later...

I jump out of my sleep once I hear someone yell from downstairs. Who the fuck is yelling? And why are they disturbing my sleep? I grab my robe and make my way downstairs. I walk to the living room to see Stephany, Hazel, Evelyn, Mateo, Greyson, and Jonah sitting in the living room talking loud.

"Hey. hello, can you guys like shut the fuck up I was trying to sleep." I say

"Who sleeps at this time?"

"People who have a job and don't live off mommy and daddy's money. That's who." I walk back upstairs and get ready for work. I get in the shower and take a long hot one. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I grab my bag off my chair and my keys and walk downstairs. I go to mom's room.

"I'm leaving for work," I say

"Okay have fun, honey," Mom says

Here we go with this shit.

Authors note:


But anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Do y'all think he's going to get his act together or no

Have a good day

Byeeeee whoooorrreeeessss

Word count 1225

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