Like you

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Naveah pov

After me and Mateo had a little kiss session in the room I decided it was best for me to leave the party so it won't be weird between us. Now it's Monday and I am tired as fuck since I decided it was best for me to stay up and binge watch movies. I'm sitting in English class trying to stop myself from falling asleep.

"Naveah wake up." I jump out of my sleep and look up to see the teacher staring at me. "I would appreciate it if you would not fall asleep in my class." Ms. whatever her name says.

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't wake me up right now. Thanks." I lay my head back down on the desk and attempted to fall back to sleep but the bell had another idea. I pack all my stuff up and I'm about to walk out the door.

"Ms. Valentine, would you stay back please." The teacher says

I turn back around and face the teacher.

"What is going on at home?" She asks

"Nothing. Why?" I ask

"You have been falling asleep in my class for the past few days and I just want to know what is happening at home that is causing you not to get that sleep."

"Nothing is happening at home. I'm just being me by staying up at night and watching shows and movies until I fall asleep." I say

"Well Ms. Valentine, can we cut down on the shows and movies so you can have proper learning ."

"Sure," I say

"Thanks." I walk out of her class to come face to face with my friends.

"What did she want?" Naomi ask

"She was just asking me what's going on at home because I have been falling asleep in her class for the past 3 days," I say

"Damn Naveah you need to cut that shit out," Leah says

"Yeah, what happened to the new year, new me," Noah says

"Well fuck that. 12th-grade year is supposed to be chill. It's our last year." I say

"Yeah, but we still have to pass to graduate," Leah says

"Yeah yeah." I start to walk to the library.

"Where are you going?" Noah ask

"To do some work so I can pass the 12th grade, you guys," I say. "I'll see you later," I say and walk into the library and go to the back. I sit in here for a few minutes until I hear someone come in and I look up to see Mateo. Well, that's odd. Never thought I would see the day of him being here. Mateo looks around and his eyes land on me. I try to look away but I fail terribly.

"Hey Naveah." He whispers


"I tried calling you all weekend but you didn't pick up." He says

"I was busy."

"Busy my ass. You sit in your room and watch movies all day." He says

"Yeah, which means I'm busy."

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asks

"Mateo, there isn't anything to talk about," I say

"Shhhh." someone says from the other side of the room.

"What do you mean there's nothing to talk about?" He says. "We kissed and now it's like nothing happened between us."

"I don't want to talk about this here."

"Okay then let's go somewhere else." He grabs my stuff and walks towards the door. I get up and follow him. We walk outside and sit on the grass and lean on the tree.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks

"No, it's not that. It's just me and you have been through a lot throughout the year and I just don't know if I can forgive you that easily from what you did to me." I say

"Look Naveah, I want to change for you."

"Mateo can't only want to change for me. You need to change for yourself too and make sure that's what you want." I say getting up and as I'm about to walk away he speaks.

"If I prove to you that I can change, will you give me a chance?"

"Maybe." I walk back into the school and go to my 6th period.

"Girl where did you go?" Leah asks sitting down beside me

"talked with a friend." I say

"Well, you're going to have to tell me about this talk with this friend when we're riding to my house together." She says

"Let me guess you fucked up your car," I say

"Yeah and now I have to wait a week for it to be fixed."

"God, you're such a bad driver."

"It was not my fault that damn animal ran out in the street." She says

"What animal did you hit?" I ask looking at her

"A raccoon."

"How the fuck did you hit a raccoon?"

"They are small. You can't see them dumb fucks." She tries to defend

"Or you're just too blind to see," I say

We continue to talk the whole period since it's a free period and then the bell rings for 7th period which is science. Which I have Mateo in. I walk into science class and see Mateo already there but he is sitting with Stephany and talking to her so I go and sit next to Anthony.
"Hey." He says


"Sorry if I upset your boyfriend the other night."

"My boyfriend." I laugh out loud which causes everyone to stare at me. "The fuck y'all looking at hello nice to meet you." They all look away and the teacher continues teaching. "Mateo is not my boyfriend. He's just a friend." I say

"Oh, my bad."

"It's okay."

We talk and laugh about anything throughout the whole class which makes it seem like class went pretty quick. I walk out of class but then Mateo walks up to me.

"Can I walk you to your car?" I look at him for a little bit like he's crazy then nod my head. He intertwined our fingers and we walk out in front of everyone like this. I look down at our hands again just to see if I'm going crazy but this is real. We walk to my car and Leah is standing there waiting for me. She looks over and mumbles you have a lot to tell. I unlock my car and she gets in and Mateo walks me to my side of the car and kisses me on the cheek.

"Call me when you get home." He opens the car door for me and I get in.

"Bitch what the fuck was that?" Leah ask

"I don't know, he just started acting like that."

"Something happened between you two and you're going to tell me now." She says and I start up the car. "Get the talking." She says

This is about to be a long ass ride.

Authors Note:


Doing this at 12 in the fucking morning and I'm editing chapters.

I changed some stuff around soooo yeah. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.

word count 1151

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