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Naveah pov

I open my eyes to see that I'm in Mateo's room. I look around to see him sleeping peacefully on the bed. I get up and go to his bathroom to get myself together to face everyone. When I walk out of the bathroom I see Mateo sitting on the edge of the bed and he looks around until he sees me standing outside the bathroom.

"Morning baby." His raspy voice says

I walked into the closet to find some clothes to put on for today.

"How did you sleep?" He ask standing in the doorway of the closet

I still ignore him and look for an outfit. Once I find one I walk past him into the bathroom. I hear him trailing behind me. I try to close the door on him but he catches it and walks in with me and locks the door.

"Naveah, talk to me." His desperate voice says

"Look I know you're mad but can you at least talk to me. I didn't tell you because it wasn't my business to do that." I guess he's right

"Yeah whatever." I say

"Morning beautiful girl." He says pulling me to him.


"Now can I get into the shower since I spoke to you." I take off my clothes and step into the shower. I hear Mateo step in also but I just ignore him and continue my shower.

I finally get out of the shower and leave Mateo in there. I get dressed and sit on the bed to wait for Mateo to come out. He finally comes out and walks into the closet.

"What do you think I should wear?" I look up to him and see him standing outside the closet looking at me. I get up and go into the closet with him. I start picking out the same outfit as me.

"This." I say holding up the clothes to his face.

"You want us to be matching?" He says

"Yup now put it on." I say walking out of the closet and sitting back on the bed.

Mateo finally comes out and walks up to me.

"Ready to go?" He ask

"Where are we going?"

"Naveah, we have to go to your house. It's Christmas, remember." He says

"Do we have to?" I say crossing arms like a child.

"Yes. Now come on." He pulls on my arm to get me up. We walk out of his room and head straight for the garage.

"Where is everyone?" I ask

"Everyone is still asleep. There's no purpose of them getting up early since all of us have grown up." He says

"Makes sense."

"Wait, is everyone up at your house?" He stops and looks down at me.

"Yeah every year they wake up early." I say

"Mmm. let's go." He says

We walk to his car and get in. We start driving to my house and my palms become sweaty. I don't know what's going on with me lately. I also haven't heard from home girl in a while.

Are you still there?


I don't know what happened to her. We finally pull up to my house and honestly I don't want to get out of the car.

"Naveah, get your ass out of the car." Mateo says

"Do I have to?" I ask

"Yes, now get out."

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